Alpha token is on the verge of explotion.
From Alpha Team to the general populace.
- Staking will return this summer through our DAO token ADAO (Alpha dao not Aegis Dao)
Adao Trade
Alpha token trade.
Uniswap Info
Some stats about ADAO.
There are only 1000 total and less than 100 currently circulating
We have loaded liquid into the uniswap and it is ready for the community to swap their A for ADAO if they wish to receive payments which will be in A
What is adao? It is our preferred token that starting in june will receive a portion of our mining profits....this is defi supporting a real world business.
By buying A and then buying ADAO you are allowing the project access to your funds while getting an ROI in A that will not dilute your position in ADAO
Once we have access to these funds...we are able to generate returns via our mining operations and marketplace.
Those who buy into adao are essentially buying into the business behind the blockchain.
A will still be used for liquidity purposes and for use in buying mining power, equipment, using our services, and our networks.
In addition to adao PoS functions we are working to add layer two mining to the project.
To simplify staking for A is being reactivated for those who hold ADAO and we will soon reward ethereum miners in Alpha for solving either ethereum or Alpha main nets
They must register on our main net and activate the protocol but I call it Passthrough Mining
Basically they solve either chain but everything will move in sync with eth2
So there is a chance if you mine a block of get a payday in eth and A both
Also ADAO holders will get a portion of all mining proceeds and all miners some of ADAO proceeds
This will help prevent 51% attacks and prevent anyone from gaining too much control of the network.
So if we have a big increase in mining power the stakers get paid also to prevent double spend.
And as stakers get paid over 50% of the network they pay out some of their return to the miners to prevent dilution
We are moving aside eth2 as our layer two mining will be programmed on top of the beacon chain.
Also there was a question about our marketplace.
Well we have delayed it so we may add mining equipment and hashing power to the marketplace
We will also be open to buy anything we have to sell**
This is DeFi on steroids
Allow me to explain step by step how it works. And why I am willing to do this.
Buy A(price goes up)
Receive A over time and sell(price goes down)
Receive A over time and buy more ADAO and compound returns
So it is the best of both worlds from farming
They cant stop our injections from the gear
And if we get more funds that just means more injections into the markets
Over the next year we expect liquidity to outweigh our marketcap significantly.
We will also be working to revamp everything online in the coming weeks
Next time to discuss the use of the remaining 40million team tokens that are no longer being given to the team.
We will bring this to a vote but we WILL NOT dilute value of our current holders. We will use the tokens to increase value.
We will finally list on a tier 1 exchange this year. And begin the journey in the major leagues! There are several we are debating...but we will only choose one or two tops for this year.
All rigs are complete and we have some partners who have teamed up with us to expand into the world of Mining pools and software
Collectively we have over 750 GPUs and asics
And we will begin work jointly in about 1 week(we are waiting for our partners to tie up some loose ends)
I know this is a lot to take in...and I will be back in the morning to answer any questions and to clarify anything I forgot to mention.
Dashboard - Ethermine
Our buyback miners are still going strong!
And despite the organic growth we expect in the next couple months we will continue to support our markets with plenty of hashing!
These funds will be used to either buy A and/or inject liquidity to our markets.
As a matter of fact the amount of gear we have nearly exceeds our mcap at this time :)
The rest of our miners will be used for project development and to pay our bills.
Lastly if you missed the liquidity injections....look above,tag me in telegram @origintoken, There will be more liquidity injection every week for the foreseeable future!!