Why should you never day trade and what is the best duration to trade

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

You buy a coin today and the next day it increases by 10% you became proud and sold it and bought another coin. The next day you realize that the coin that made you 10% profit on is today 40% up again and the coin you bought yesterday was down by 5% and you sold it and that coin which you sold grew again. This is the common problem for a non pro trader.
This is because they are day trading. Instead of day trading you can trade for 5 to 7 days. How should you trade?
The best way to trade is just research a coin. Look at its peak. Look if the coin is a scam or not. Look at its down and the most important part is that look at its 1 hour trade volume. How to look?
If the coin is way below its peak and the coin is not a scam then it is high chance that the coin will go up very soon.
The most important part is its 1 hour trade volume. You can get it from www.coinmarketap.com. If the coin has a very high 1 hour market cap then buy it. You will get a profit from it.
As I never suggest for a short term trading, A long term trading is always recommended. If you wanna write me article for how to trade for long term just comment below.

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great article, i personally think long term trading is the best...