Anyone else tried of Bitcoin fees?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


I was once one of those people often referred as "spectators" to the cryptocurrency market. I would watch prices daily and often read articles on the market. Funny part is I even ran into a little bit of case money last spring and still sat there spectating the market and I did not invest a penny of that case money. Luckily, I have been blessed to still have some income rolling in being as though I have been unemployed forever.

Fast-forward to today and I am now an active user on Coinbase and recently joining Bitconnect. Now that I am hopefully an official member of the crypto-community I am noticing that there are many fees involved with many of the crypto related services that I come across. Being as though I am still a newbie, I'm wondering is this a problem for people who are converting fiat currencies into cryptocurrencies or if it is a general annoyance that other people are experiencing. I'm thinking like maybe once I acquire more bitcoin, I will ultimately inquire less fees.

From what I understand bitcoin is designed around being able to transfer large sums of money for next to nothing. I guess thats when you don't use pesky middle man services. I understand companies need to make a profit to survive but I feel like most of these fees are a little too high in comparison to how many people use the service.

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