Secret Trick: Make $5 Per Post - Right Now!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


I'm Going To Share a Secret With You.

... I know what it's like to write all day...

... Only to find that I made two cents for my efforts.

... Believe me, I've don't it hundreds of times.

... In desperation, I've paid web upvoting bots...

... and I've paid re-steemers...

... All for an average of .02 cents per post.

... Frankly, I'd all but given up.

... In fact, when I paid for upvotes or resteems,

... I ACTUALLY lost money.

Check out my recent rewards... (15 days ago)

Ready for the secret?

To take things from .02 cents, to over $5 Steem Bot Dollars?

Check this out... (5 days ago - after the secret trick)

Notice the difference? Same account, ten days later.

From .00 up to over $5 Steem Bot Dollars.

I realize this only takes it to the next level, but when your making 2 cents per post, anything is an improvement!

For newbie authors like myself, I'm sure you can relate.


Here it goes....


Here We GO....

Two "Secrets"...........

  1. SECRET NUMER 1: A super cheap crypto coin called SUPERIOR COIN (SUP) (currently trading at .005 CENTS, it's a PRIVACY COIN, and it has UTILITY)

  2. SECRET NUMER 2: The website: ( FREE SIGNUP, BONUSES of up to 400 SUP, MAKE OVER 100 SUP DAILY)


    You can pay SUP (which recall, you got for free for signing up), to get fellow steemers to upvote your posts, to follow you, to comment, and even resteem.

    All for mere PENNIES.

    Here's a screen shot of kryptonia - task page - the number is the amount you get paid for doing the task...

    So, for example, someone is posting:

    "Interact with my facebook post"

    Notice the payment?

    100 SUP's - probably take you 2 minutes - just go and like his FB, or post a comment.

    The above shows you how easily you can earn your own bank of SUP's, which you'll need to pay for tasks.

    However, in this case, we want to create our own post, because we want people to upvote YOUR post.

    We want a task like the following:

    "Upvote and comment on my Steem it article"

    (Please be patient, as I have pasted a little further down below - an exact copy and script of YOUR create task page for your referral. )

    This really work! Really!!!

    As I mentioned, since I joined, I have had $5 dollar author rewards on every post, from upvotes, resteems, comments, etc.

    And Moreover....

    What if - SUP Goes UP?

    Hey, why not? It has a USE CASE. (I use it), it's a PRIVACY coin, and it's CHEAP!


    ... If, you're making only pennies per post.


    ... If, you're working all day for nothing.


    ... If, you've had it with upvote bots who pay .50 cents on your dollar,


    ... If, you want to increase your author rewards.


    ... If, you want to do it RIGHT NOW.


    What are you willing to do?

    Sign up for kryptonia right here and right now:

    Sign UP:

    When you sign up, you will get (up to) hundreds of free SUP Coins.

    Use them immediately by requesting a task.

    Note: do not offer 1 SUP, as most do...

    Be GENEROUS, and offer 3 per upvote, or even 10
    (recall, each SUP is worth about 1/2 cent, so at ten SUPS, your offering about a nickel.

    Here's a screen shot of an actual CREATE TASK - note the title, details, and most importantly, the url of your post.
    (the link in the example is actually not a real article, just for demo purposes.)

    Note, my payment is 10 SUP, and I am asking for ten people to complete the task, making my total out of pocket,
    100 SUP's, which is currently about 50 cents.

    (recall that you will be earning lots of SUP by doing other folks tasks, mostly upvoting, or commenting, liking a FB PAGE.)


    WATCH those upvotes grow your author rewards.

    Mine went from .02 cents, to over $5 SB Dollars - over night!

    I believe, yours will too.

    DO IT NOW!

    Sign up HERE:

    (yes, it is a referral, but hey, I'm still only making $5 SBD post.)

    The sign up is free, and i really promise you, you likely won't be sorry.

    Enjoy your increased author rewards.

    You deserve them!

    I'm sure this is just the first step to much higher growth beyond the $5 dollar mark.

    As we grow....

    May we always recall the days,

    when we too, were little fishies.

    Please Upvote: (because I am so broke!)

    Please Comment: (because I am so bored!)

    Please Resteeem: (because no one reads my blogs!)

    Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
    If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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    Great post thanks for the support

    Thankyou @kryptonia.
    I would love to work with you as soon as I register for my account. <3

    How come my earnings are still pending and i also have people completing the task but not actually completing tasks. How do you prevent fraud by people who simply click complete without upvoting?

    Hi @masterroshi! You can revoke a user from your task if they did not followed your instructions and the reward would be back to you after 14 days. You can revoke a user within 14 days only. Once you revoke a user, his reputation and activity score would be decrease. 😊😊😊

    My problem as well. There is no direct link between clicking "complete" in kryptonia and really upvoting. I had more people saying they completed the task than people that upvoted my post.

    You can 'retract' a vote. Retracting refunds your SUP, and also puts a penalty of sorts on the task completer. However, be certain that the person failed to complete. I've been retracted when I in fact completed the task. For me, I haven't gotten too bogged down in going after incomplete tasks; rather, I subtract the cost of my investment for each task, against the gains made on my posts. I'm invariably far ahead.

    Thanks for your kind review. And your upvote. Somehow I went from 4 to 11 SBD. I'll be sure to continue to promote kryptonia. I really love it!

    As you can see my voting power here on @Steemit is not even worth 2 cents or 1 cent for that matter but sometimes the value is not always measured in cents or SBD's.

    fhstralow: Your upvote is worth EVERYTHING, because it means everything to me. Thank you for taking the time to read, and thank you for upvoting. P.S. I only have a .02 cent upvote, as well.

    Thank you @kryptonia, registered today and some changes are already happening to my steemit life, will promote this

    Thanks for the testimony. Your testimony shows that my words are for real, and I wasn't just hyping this for my own purposes. Kryptonia is a really great thing, and needs promotion, and that's my interest in this. Not to mention that I'd love to see kryptonia catapult SUP to $5 dollars a coin.

    About how long do rewards stay pending after I've completed a task? I'm having trouble getting any of the links on the bottom of the page on your site to work.

    On hold for 14 days!

    Ok i want to see it now upvote my comment.what i get want to see.

    There's one upvote for you. Sorry it's only worth 2 cents.

    Wow amaizing.thank you sir for your helpful really very helpfull post

    Resteemed for to read later. Was Superior Coin built on the Steem blockchain?

    no it's a fork from monero(XMR)

    Yes, Monero - PRIVACY COIN! Isn't that an extra perk?

    I just started in Kryptonia feeling blessed gain more friends. Thanks for sharing

    I followed you on Kryptonia :)

    So happy to hear! I will not cease in promoting kryptonia. And don't forget to save some of those SUPS - One day, they may make you a small (or large) fortune. For me, finding kryptonia is like finding amazon in 1999!

    Thanks for giving me idea @sanitizemylife..

    You are so welcome. It is my passion to make people wealthy - and free! and that included me, as well!

    great article and tips!


    Thanks for the tip! Sounds promising. I've used something similar with Empire.Kred and using their in-game currency to incentivise "missions" such as visiting a Twitter status (in which case there is an unspoken expectation to retweet or at least favorite the status.) I haven't tried using it to boost a Steemit post, but I have used it to retweet a status where I shared a link to a Steemit post. If you want more information about that, maybe I can write a post about it.

    Anyway, thanks again for the tip! I'm going to try it out and will definitely use your referral code as thanks.

    Believe it or not a lot of us met through Empire.Kred and we still use Empire.Kred, so come and invest some eves in #Stradog585, @SuperiorCoin, @Kryptonia, @ExploreTraveler, @JoanStewart and @SydesJokes. Working together across multiple platforms is helping grow our network and the possibilities are growing by the minute. Get on @SydesJokes Twitter #Top1000 and extend your social media reach.

    Very cool! Thanks for the tips. When I get a few minutes I'll follow up on all of that, for sure. Followed you on here and will connect elsewhere soon. Cheers!

    Great! with kryptonia's help, I see that this current post is now up to almost 12 SB DOLLARS. As mentioned in the article, I used to make about .02 cents.

    So I joined Kryptonia and set up a task. So far I've had two legitimate completions and I've had to revoke and block five people who claimed to have completed the task but didn't. I've given them a lot of leeway in terms of time to complete. Some of them claimed to complete yesterday and still nothing. Kinda disappointing but not surprising. Anyway, as long as I continue to revoke and block the scammers, I should either end up with a pool of people who are actually using the system the way it was intended or I'll end up blocking everyone. hahaha

    Great article. Kryptonia Rocks :)

    Heard first time on your blog about this platform, but didn't really got, what it is about. Maybe it could be usefull to post a full article about it ;-)
    BTW I like your other posts!

    Perhaps I should write something more in depth. Thanks for reading my posts. Another just published. It's long, but I enjoyed writing it - and I always break up my posts with lots of pictures, as to not overwhelm. Thanks so much for reading my stuff. It means the world to me.

    Great fun and informative post about Superior Coin on Kryptonia

    Thanks bro, really need this been on low payouts dese days

    Bro, be sure to get on it. Results are hours and days away. Trust me on this. I'm not promoting them for myself alone, but to get all of us out of the penny-a-post rut. Because, YOU DESERVE IT!

    Thanks already did

    But how to one buy SUP

    helpful post...thanks for sharing

    Thanks for taking the time to read it! So glad it was helpful.

    bigly, It's a good idea.

    Nice post

    the vincentb effect
    upvoted, commented, and followed

    Awseome, that means triple the chance to win!

    Yeh this is just the beginning! SUP is going to grow and when Kryptonia's app is released it's going to get bigger!

    it is know that you are having a optimism doing this platform

    your friend

    Thank you I would love to try this trick

    You must do so! We need you! When you see all the free SUP coins you can pick up, I think you'll be very happy.

    Actually, I was really happy
    @sydesjoke has given me 500 SUP so that I can make tasks, I am very grateful to him, also @kryptopia is upvoting my tasks here in steemit. It was really a boost in earnings. I am very thankful to you for sharing this awesome site

    been a while on kryptonia now. it is helpful and easy to use. the best part is you get to have free coins. nice !

    Thanks for the tips ✌️

    Thanks for the post - i found kryptonia through this post and it's awesome!

    Great work....I will go check it out....

    After looking at Kryptonia I have a question. Is there any controle if the task is really completed?

    Yes, you can revoke the reward if they don't complete the Task correctly, but it is up to you to follow-up. There is also the "Reputation" and "Activity" scores that help and you can set-up your Tasks to only include people that have a certain reputation score and or activity score. I have followed you and if you want to really increase your @Steemit post value write about @SuperiorCoin and @Kryptonia

    Thanks alot for that. I will write some posts, when I'm more into this g

    It's true, but for me Revoke button seems not working, I saw 5 people completing my task but only 2 upvote recieved and also for task I completed I didn't recieved any SUP yet, it's frustrating

    I don't see any "completed" button after I completed my task, do You have an idea Why?

    You have the option to revoke tasks. I generally don't bother though. Oftentimes it's difficult to actually pin down who upvoted and who didn't. However, if you have a task undone, you can certainly revoke payment, which also leaves a mark on the non-completer. P.S. I have been revoked for jobs I have completed, so please be sure that the work was not done.

    It's true, but for me Revoke button seems not working, I saw 5 people completing my task but only 2 upvote recieved and also for task I completed I didn't recieved any SUP yet, it's frustrating

    Just nake an account and now I have 500 SUP, however I can't make a task. It says I'm insufficient in funds despite I'm using 100 SUP only 😟 😟 😟

    I'll explain to you what i think is happening. Kryptonia gave some of the money right away, and the remaining is put on hold for 7 days, and then it will be released. Check your available balance, and your pending balance. They also hold earned rewards from doing tasks, for 7 days, as to give the task assigner the option to revoke payment if a task was not completed. I had the same problem and didn't want to wait for payment clearing - 7 days later. So I just spent 5 bucks and bought some SUP.

    owwww, thank you for the informtion, I think I should wait for 7 days until I make an activity

    I will see if we can't help you out there. I followed you and you have several Tasks listed.

    Thank you I would really appreciate

      ·  7 years ago (edited)

    I got my account set up, added some profiles and set up my first task. The site was very, very slow as I did this. Now the site is unavailable :(

    I have found it a little slow, but be patient - a few seconds always worked for me. I've also had the site become unavailable, and I just waited a minute or two and refreshed. However, I did once have to repost the whole task again, which was frustrating. Soon, the author rewards will erase the frustrating delays.

    The site is working now. Be sure to let us know if you are still having a problem we have a GREAT support Team. I followed you and everything looks good.

    Signed up under your referral and gonna use the site a bunch, thanks!

    That's great. I don't know who I am happier for. I followed you and read some of your stuff (nice photos of the inside of hedges, by the way). You are going to crush it with this, and you are on your way to 60 Steem Power.

    I didn't find a profile for robhimself1?

    I'm robhimself on there not robhimself1

    good article thanx

    This is a GREAT blog, post or article! As you know @kryptonia is part of @SuperiorCoin which has started this year being traded on 3 exchanges and now is listed on and is now the Official Crypto of CAN ( All of those things are great but, we are a worldwide network of citizens that understand by helping you reach your goals we are reaching our goals. The possibilities of having a worldwide all-volunteer network of citizens sharing news, ideas, events and now a common cryptocurrency that you CAN earn by completing Tasks, mining several ways and by trading on the exchanges. You can spend a few #SuperiorCoins and create Tasks which can lead to more traffic on your website or upvotes for your @Steemit blog. Now there is a little secret a lot of people don't know about and that is @SteemThat which started out as an upvote bot to help minnows and has developed into a growing whale pool using the power of @Steemish or #STISH. Don't forget about @SydesJokes famous daily Faucet the is dripping SBD to over 300 people everyday and that number is growing along with the amount that is paid out. Then people like you are creating new ways to promote and helping others like you are doing with this contest. We are sure the citizens of the network will continue to come up with new ideas and ways to share and increase the value or their portfolio. Again, GREAT Blog and GREAT to have you in the network.


    Thanks! Thanks, bigly!

    Tell me you caught that on a fly? Take me fishing!

    Sometime i think that it's a jock ..

    I do understand healthy skepticism. I really do. But I would ask you to take a look at my rewards from upvotes for this article. Then take a look at my rewards for articles from 10 days and more - I have hundreds, with .02 cents or no rewards at all. If you see one with a $5 dollar reward, be sure that I paid a steem upvote bot $6 dollars to get the $5 dollar reward. Trust me. I'm not shilling.

    Well i'll do it. I hope your support!

    Kryptonia is a really amazing site. I already saw how it upvoted my post just by making a task on the platform Amazing really. Thanks for sharing this one.

    The problem with kryptonia is the lack of eyeballs on the site. Another issue is the missing link between people understanding the incentives of usinh the platform.

    Great article. I've used Kryptonia quite a bit and I've never received anywhere near $5 for tasks related to my Steemit, but I certainly can vouch that you will get up votes from it. Also, if you frequently do others' tasks, you can continue to post tasks while increasing your SUP balance :)

    Great article!

    I read it from top to bottom because i find it very much helpful and interesting!! I hope your tips will work on my posts too! I hope you can extend your help too.

    I have lots of posts about money and finance and getting wealthy and free. It's my passion. Just wrote a new article on getting wealthy. I basically lay out what I am doing. This Kryptonia thing will definitely help up your rewards. I actually followed you and read some of your posts. Great work! You are going to do great! Signup and get those author rewards. My favorite thing about steem is in getting to read and know about people from distant shores. I'm in the US, and it's so nice to share with others from other places. One day, when I make my millions, I am going to travel - everywhere. Maybe even on bicycle! Thanks for reading.

    Congratulations you have been upvoted because you left a post in the NewbieResteem Discord Chat channel post Promotion Box.

    I am always leary of these quick buck post, at some point it seems it will collapse, so like with any vote buying system buyer beware. My voting and posting in no way reflects an approval of the information above, just a vote and comment because of the post promo drop box usage.

    We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

    Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues

    Awesome article!

    Thank you for sharing..great post!

    upvoted and comment ;-)

    Thanks so much.

    Thanks for this article! heard of it before, but didn't know what it's all about

    Yes, it is really cool, and has been working for me. I just couldn't believe when I woke up this morning to find 11 steem bot dollars in upvotes. I am still used to .02 cents.

    wow.. keep it up

    Helpful post thanks for sharing.

    Congratulations @sanitizemylife!
    Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade for newcomers in the following category:

    • Comments - Ranked 8 with 84 comments

    I also upvoted your post to increase its reward
    If you like my work to promote newcomers and give them more visibility on Steemit, feel free to vote for my witness! You can do it here or use SteemConnect

    wow, amazing interesting and nice post