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I am not one of the Devs. Freedom is also not Ned. You can trace the money around from @steemit and figure out what accounts they control and what they don't.

I only know what I have gotten from talking to people with regards to the larger accounts. I don't know who Freedom is however (much like... everyone else it seems). That person has been exceedingly careful not to revel their identity.

Can you in any viable form, prove to me, val-a, val-b and freedom are not owned by ned?

They are not owned by Ned. I however won't be proving that to you. You can believe as you wish.

33 months eh :-) it is all adding up, have a superb day, on this oh so clear block chain my friend.

What does how long I have been here have to do with anything?

Nothing, unless you tell me, as nothing can be used against you, without you incriminating you, lol only joking. :-)

I know for a "fact" ned has multiple account disorder, and so does everyone else!

He has lots of accounts that I am aware of. Just not some of the ones you listed.

Do you have the list?


That yawn concludes the chat, thanks for your time.

The chat was already concluded when you said

33 months eh :-) it is all adding up, have a superb day, on this oh so clear block chain my friend.