Kucoin exchange is one of rare exchanges where you receive coins from hard forks and also, for example GAS if you own NEO coins. They have low trading fees and 90% of the collected fees goes back to the traders who own Kucoin Shares (KCS).
KCS is stable cryptocurrency that rose quite a lot today (up 50%), together with many other ICO's and alternative coins.
The Kucoin exchange is easy to use, provides whole package of coins and ICOs in various trade pair combinations. Exchange offers rewards for most active traders as well. Currently there are 4 active rewards pending to be distributed to the traders.
I tried the exchange and transferred most of my holdings there. At least I get 'dividends' from my stash of NEO and don't need to keep it in my own wallet.
For any questions regarding the KuCoin exchange or Qucoin Shares cryptocurrency, please comment below.
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