RE: [Warning] Why I don't trust the price of Dash, nor the community. Be careful folks. Invest wisely. Diversify.

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[Warning] Why I don't trust the price of Dash, nor the community. Be careful folks. Invest wisely. Diversify.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

When I wanted to “change the world” I joined a band. When I wanted to invest in a project with creative ideas about how to make blockchains more digestable, I invested in Dash. Unfortunately, the first of those two ideals ended up in pieces for me as well so we do at least have one thing in common :-)

Regarding your other points:

  1. ”I was sidelined as much as possible “
    Point to Dash, surely. If they’d wanted a masterclass in vandalism I could have sent them to the South side of Glasgow and done a better job than you.

  2. ”important things sucks as forking and what not are handled by Evan”
    Assuming you’re still waiting on your proof-reader to get back to you I take it you were just thinking “sucks” but meant to write “such”. It’s ok - we all mix up thinking and feeling but network forks need to be handled by those who can tell the difference so for me, that’ll be 2.0 I’m afraid. As for your assertion of co-operating with meta data providers being a “cardinal sin”, I invested in an a monetary asset, not a political party and I expect the caretakers of said asset to do their job which is to respond favourably to requests from all and sundry legitimate customers who wish to avail themselves of the Dash blockchain for whatever reasons. If money can’t be ubiquitous it can’t be anything. Darksend a gimmick ? Go and try it. It works and it works better with every release.

  3. “lazy community, part of the problem, founders own too many masternodes”
    I thought I might give you a point on this one because it’s true that dominance of any democratic system by a few parties is not necessarily healthy. But then I realised that if it was a true democracy it might also be dominated by butthurt vandals who throw their toys out of the pram at the slightest sign of their rainbow chasing world revolutions not yielding tangable results, so I might make that one a draw instead ;) By the way, Dash is governed by 4 stakeholder sectors, not 1. Thats simply 1 more than Bitcoin and the parties you cite only have an influence on how the budget-targetted block rewards are allocated. They do not have ultimate say over the future of Dash - miners do just like everywhere else.

  4. “It’s Paypal 2.0”
    Hey, guess what - I actually agree with some of this one ! I’m not a fan of creating Paypal 2.0 either because I don’t want to attach a banking metaphor to cryptocurrency and have said so quite a few times in community discussions believe it or not. All the same, I don’t really mind too much about it because we’re talking about a user interface not a monetary property and given the fact that 188 million people already know how to use a Paypal interface I might let them away with it this time. When the network supports a decentralised API it will only be one of a myriad of ways available in which to interact with the Dash blockchain. In that respect DAPI does do justice to Darkcoin because it liberates end users and if you want to start a revolution you need ordinary people, not a clique of bedroom world improvers.

  5. Evan Duffield lacks spine and moral compass
    Sure it’s not a boxing ring rather than a technical project you were looking for ? All of these guys could have made far more money with far less risk than they’ve done with Dash. Be advised that the word “Bankster” alludes most fundamentally to the practise of convincing people to accept uncollateralised liquidity in exchange for hard assets and calling it ‘financing’. Ryan “babygiraffe” Taylor has done the exact opposite - migrated from a comfy job in that world to a rocky one in this where his name gets to share company with low flying toys emanating from the prams of disaffected fanbase members because he doesn’t measure up to John Lennon. I don’t know. As a childhood fan of John’s myself I’d say you both share something of him. Apparently you got the peevishness and he got the poetry (see below).

  6. “Lacking Higher Purpose”
    Well I’d sure like them to have consulted you on that one. When I measured up Dash’s priorities I only looked at what had worked in terms of 6000 years of “monetary properties”. But if it could be infused with a ration of “the divine” then I won’t complain. There shouldn’t be any shortage of takers for cloning and doing it ‘the right way’ = what are you waiting for ?! Just so readers are in no doubt, here’s some of that “scheming and leeching” that you mention caught right on video:

7-10. Team is Power Hungry, Community Blind

Blind as a bat ! In fact the only areas where we have our eyes open are:

The Economics of Dash’s Reserve & Currency Markets vs Masternode Network Count

The Design Objectives which Distinguish Dash from Bitcoin

Tech Stocks vs Monetary Stocks and Why Dash is Persuing the Latter

Why Balancing "Dark" and "Light" Markets Work and Why Instant Transactions are a Priority for Dash


Symmetric Risk Mitigation for Low Confirmation Payments - Why Dash is MORE Secure Than Bitcoin, not Less

Pricing in "Everything" vs Pricing in "the Launch"

Why Dash's Privacy Model is Optimal for an Unbacked Store of Value Token

Who gets a voice with the Governance Model ?

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I like Dash, upvoted you. Just a little worried about this:

added a rating system which auto censors posts that get 4+ troll ratings

Any thoughts aside from the obvious need to deal with spam?

Dash's [ANN] thread on Bitcointalk is one of the few which is unmoderated by the starter. Dash trolls have never had a problem with making their uncensored voices heard. When projects are successful they generate envy from all over the place, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to a establish productive environments as well, as they see fit.

Crypto isn't a democracy, it's an industry and a diverse one at that. Ultimately markets put a price on everything.

The author of the above article is having difficulty swallowing that fact.

XRP has a chance to become a PayPal 2.0