Before The Industrial Revolution We Were Entrepreneurs

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Caveman is too far back. But look just before the industrial revolution. 90% of people were entrepreneurs. Bakers. Herders. Shoe maker. Fruit picker. Sinbad. Story teller. (ya it's the Netflix of that era)

So the industrial revolution essentially created a new class of super rich people who owns the factory or production of the resources. And another super class of - working class hero - also known as slaves or a more docile word - cattle. Human cattle.

These cattles are led to believe they need to find a factory. The thing or destination or designation classed as job. Need job. Seek job. Get a job. Jobless. In between.

That's not who we were. We were Marco Polo Sinbad Ali Baba Pirates Of The Caribbean entrepreneurs! Sailing, swimming, surviving, trading, finding treasures, finding spices, new products from the east or West, new ideas, waking up with motivation.

Not cattle. Wake up from the Matrix, dear Neo.

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Read the book Why Nations Fail (available on audiobook too). It discusses the impact of disruptive technology, adoption, and personal property rights on the rise & fall of nations. Lots of emphasis on pre-industrial revolution Europe. A great read for entrepreneurs... heck its a great nonfiction read in general!