Why It Is Necessary To Provide A Basic Income

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

“ Geniuses will choose the grand complex life if mastery of nature is the ladder.”
Reginald Whibbey

We have seen that in all cases it has been the hard working genius that brought us the greatest comforts in life. Telsa, Mozart, Daimler, Diesel, Edison and the two we must all hold dear, Charles Babbage and Joseph Marie Jacquard. They all work through the grime and the stupid of life. Clawing into enternity the mark and the build of their intellect. They are the few, that brave relentless few, who through it all, make it,build it to be. We see what life has become because they acted, we have lights and cars and pocket supercomputers. But what about all those geniuses that chose the simple life because the authority made life to hard?

We are still waiting to have the comforts they would give to the world. We are still waiting for the dorito flavored bananas. We are still waiting for limb regeneration. We are still waiting for Space taxi's. It is easy to see that for every genius that chooses to have a simple life we lose what they would create. And end up waiting as a society for a child to be born. Hoping they will choose to create it and give us that new comfort.

I am sick and tired of my fellow geniuses choosing the simple life because the world is filled with stupid and mean. Take a look, all the systems are mean to people and are built for the people, What?. Most geniuses are sensitive people and have to be handled with care and calm. I see why they choose the simple life. I also see that only they change the world. When the genius leads, society gets a new comfort. I need all or nearly all of the geniuses born on this planet to do their genius on the largest scale possible. Providing a basic income is the single greatest gift we can give the geniuses.
A genius with a basic income can deal with stupid parents. A genius with a basic income can climb from the lows of proverty to the highs of persperity. A genius with a basic income can deal with the time it takes to get a degree. A genius with a basic income can make a small scale version of their dream. A genius can mentaly see that the existence of a basic income is love tangible manifested. A genius with a basic income can use that love to create vase new realms of human comfort.

Just like everyone else, I thought of the lazy man. How he might benefit from a basic income. How he might add to the world. These thoughts led me too realize that the lazy man gives back by being a customer. That is the lazy persons gift to society. It is a good gift, we need them to create revenue. But this is real life, where comets end civililazations, where planets can over heat and cook life. Where our star, sol is going to blow up one day. We can still be here or we can be watching from a safe distance.

Since we are dealing with real life, I need, we need people to create those new comforts. See the truth, a spaceship the size of texas carring people and all the essentials, is just a next level comfort. Dining at a resurant in Lagrange point 3 because it is your anniversity is a higher level of comfort. Or, taking a family ship and going to the largest theme park in the solar system on mars is just a new vacation comfort. Geniuses are they only people that can provide these higher levels of comfort. So just like the movie produces when dealing with moive stars, “I'm going to give em what thay gotta have!”.

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