Clairety :: Treat the Marketplace of Ideas Like a Real Marketplace

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Clairety is an Ar1ficial Intelligence ra1ng agency tracks the credibility of all half a billion social media contributors, and reports it to you with a browser module that embeds our ra1ngs directly in your social media content. Our fully automated system is completely unbiased and uses no human interac1on.

We iden1fy bots, spam, harassment, extreme speech and a host of other ‘low value’ content. We can separate facts from opinions, exper1se from marke1ng, and the ‘real story’ from conspiracy theory. We let you know who is risky to believe, and who isn’t, providing real economic value to Social Media consumers, publishers, adver1sers, and those hoping to beTer understand social media and the marketplace of ideas.


Clairety is an Ar1ficial Intelligence ra1ng agency tracks the credibility of all half a billion social media contributors, and reports it to you with a browser module that embeds our ra1ngs directly in your social media content. Our fully automated system is completely unbiased and uses no human interac1on.

We iden1fy bots, spam, harassment, extreme speech and a host of other ‘low value’ content. We can separate facts from opinions, exper1se from marke1ng, and the ‘real story’ from conspiracy theory. We let you know who is risky to believe, and who isn’t, providing real economic value to Social Media consumers, publishers, adver1sers, and those hoping to beTer understand social media and the marketplace of ideas.

Clairety has iden1fied mul1ple concurrent revenue channels in both retail and B2B space, and has developed a data product specifically for the quan1ta1ve cryptocurrency trading industry. Markets, like the ‘marketplace of Ideas’, are our exper1se.

Our management team has nearly 50 collec1ve years of experience successfully developing trading models in a variety of markets, and since the crypto-ecosystem is par1cularly dependent upon social media for informa1on distribu1on, we believe that this analy1c data can make a meaningful alpha contribu1on to professional traders who subscribe to it and incorporate it into their trading models.

Token Information

Clairety’s RELY tokens are based on the Ethereum protocol and are ERC20 compliant. This guarantees that, following the applicable holding periods and subject to compliance with relevant securities laws, tokens can be bought and sold on existing cryptocurrency exchanges and stored in Ethereum-compatible wallets. The tokens work to support Clairety by funding the development of the artificial intelligence that powers Clairety’s services.

Token Name & Symbol : Reliance Token / RELY
Token Supply : 34,000,000 (Thirty Four Million Tokens)
Initial Rate : USD $0.50 (Fifty US Cents) per RELY
Fixed Token Supply : No. Tokens are 100% pre-mined and any unsold or unallocated tokens will be burned
Minimum Raise : USD $2,000,000 (Two Million US Dollars)*
Target Raise (capped) : USD $11,000,000 (Eleven Million US Dollars)
* If the minimum raise isn’t achieved, all collected funds will be returned to participants.
Currencies Accepted During Token Sale: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, USDT, USD, EUR

Bonus Information

Started Date : 20 Mar. 2018

Base Bonuses Details :

Private Pre-Sale* Week 1 : 35%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 2 : 30%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 3 : 25%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 4 : 20%

Private Pre-Sale* Week 5 : 15%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 6 : 10%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 7 : 5%
Private Pre-Sale* Week 8 : 0%

Contribution BONUSES** :

$10,000: 5%
$25,000: 10%
$50,000 or greater: 15%
* The minimum contribution during the Pre-Sale is $5,000.
** These bonuses are in addition to the base bonus for each time period. ***Unused tokens held out for bounty program are over-allocated at the maximum possible rate, and will be burnt if unclaimed.

Token Distribution Information

Proceeds of the sale will be used for the development of the Clairety system from working prototype to full scale system, the development of the company infrastructure for sales and marketing of its product, and to cover the costs associated directly with the TGE. More details can be found in our whitepaper which you can download here.

Clairety team


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Bitcointalk Ann Thread :

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