🗞 Daily Crypto News, September, 14th💰

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

  • Ethereum's Constantinople Hard Fork to Activate on Testnet in October ;
  • Blockchain’s Popularity Among Large Enterprises Soared 11% This Year, Survey Finds ;
  • Bloomberg: Morgan Stanley Plans Bitcoin Trading for Clients ;
  • Bittrex to Launch Crypto Exchange in Malta Next Month ;
  • New French Law Sets Out Guidelines For ICOs
  • 📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 14th💰
  • STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

🗞 Ethereum's Constantinople Hard Fork to Activate on Testnet in October

Ethereum's upcoming hard fork, Constantinople, will activate in a testing environment next month, core developers agreed on Friday.

As detailed by CoinDesk, Constantinople features various backward-incompatible changes designed to increase efficiency on the ethereum network, alter its economic policy and delay the so-called "difficulty bomb."

Speaking in a biweekly video call, developers said the upgrade will activate around October 9 on a cross-client testnet, named Ropsten, which mimics the conditions of the ethereum network itself. However, due to the unpredictability of block confirmation times in the testing environment, an exact block number – the way most upgrades are timed within the blockchain space – for the testnet activation has yet to be finalized.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/ethereums-constantinople-hard-fork-to-activate-on-testnet-in-october/

🗞 Blockchain’s Popularity Among Large Enterprises Soared 11% This Year, Survey Finds

New research from fintech analysts Juniper House has found that blockchain’s traction with large enterprises has risen by 11 percent this year, according to a press release published September 11.

Juniper’s Blockchain Enterprise Survey: Deployments, Benefits & Attitudes (Second Edition) found that 65 percent of responding large enterprises – defined as those who employ a minimum of 10,000 staff – are “considering or actively engaged” in blockchain deployment, up 11 percent from the corresponding 54 percent figure last year.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/blockchains-popularity-among-large-enterprises-soared-11-this-year-survey-finds

🗞 ETH Goes Down, Dapps Go Up?

Throughout ethereum’s halcyon days of early 2018, its high price was countered with criticism that no one was using the dapps built upon its protocol. The low number of daily average users, critics maintained, was evidence of ETH’s price being driven largely by ICOs and speculation. Those critics may have had a point, but whatever the case, an oddity has emerged: over the past week, as ETH has fallen to its lowest price in 14 months, several ethereum dapps have seen their usage shoot up.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/the-daily-dapp-revival-remme-launch-1-million-cryptokitties/

🗞 Bittrex to Launch Crypto Exchange in Malta Next Month

US-based cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex is reportedly launching a crypto exchange in Malta at the beginning of next month. Bittrex says the new platform will allow them to list coins “a lot faster.” It will operate within the regulatory framework established by the European Union and the Maltese government.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bittrex-crypto-exchange-malta/?utm_source=OneSignal%20Push&utm_medium=notification&utm_campaign=Push%20Notifications

🗞 New French Law Sets Out Guidelines For ICOs

After slashing taxes on profits made from cryptocurrency trading by more than half, France has now implemented a new legal framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs). Is Europe’s third largest economy transforming into a haven for cryptocurrency?

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/new-french-law-sets-out-guidelines-for-icos/


📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 14th💰

  • Litecoin (LTC)

Global Litecoin Summit from Sep 14-15 at South San Francisco Center.

  • OST (OST)

" Jason and Ben present on 'scaling blockchain economies to thousands of transactions per second' at HASHED."

  • Triggers (TRIG)

Triggers showcases at NRA Carry Guard Expo from Sep 14-16.

  • Databits (DTB)

Comic Con Africa is the best place to soft-launch Augmentors, so from the middle of September, Augmentors will be live!

  • Bitcoin Gold (BTG)

Bittrex Delising

Read more & Source: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@vlemon/daily-crypto-calendar-september-14th

Sources: Coincalendar.info, Cryptocalendar.pro, Coinscalendar.com, CoinMarketCal


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yesterday :

Here is the current chart :

Good news, the last support line before the 030$ levels that I was showing you in my analysis of yesterday played well its role and create a bounce on the STEEM with the help of the BTC. We almost tested the resistance line around 0.77$ but we are doing a little correction now. Let's hope it is the start of a nice Bounce on the STEEM because we really need it.

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