COSS Trading promo with 1,000,000 COSS TOKEN GIVE-AWAY
Happy Chinese New Year 2018
Start: February 16, 2018 12:00 p.m. SG time (GMT +8)
Duration: 60 days (until April 17, 2018)
Pool size: 935,000 COSS TOKENS shared by top 100 traders
How do we split the pool?
22,500 COSS tokens to each of the 1st Top 10 traders (#1-10)
17,500 COSS to traders #11-20
15,000 COSS to #21-30
12,500 COSS to #31-40
10,000 COSS to #41-50
7,500 COSS to #51-60
5000 COSS to #61-70
2,500 COSS to #71-80
1000 COSS to #81-90
500 COSS to #91-100
That's not all
In each rank of 10, a random number generator will pick a winner of 5,000 COSS Tokens. In this way, the total of 10 winners will additionally share a pool size of 50,000 COSS. E.g.: number 7 picked from #1-10 top traders; number 13 pulled from #11-20 top traders, etc.;
We will allocate the remaining 15,000 COSS tokens chosen by the top traders to a Charity organization (vetted by our compliance team);
Top 3 traders will receive an iPhone X each;
The Top #1 trader will also receive a flight*, accommodation 3N/4D and VIP access to the COSS Summer party in Singapore on June 9, 2018.
*An economy flight from a major city to Singapore (additional domestic flights in the winners’ country need to be covered by the traveler).