In 1998 a young man named Jacob was driving to a construction job with his crew when they noticed something very big lying by the side of the road
At first, they thought it was a bear but as they studied the thing, they realized it was something completely outside the animal kingdom.
In an interview, Jacob described the creature as “built to kill”. It lips were curled back revealing huge pointy teeth, and hands, not paws, but human like hands with claws are sharp as knifes.
With blood pouring out of its mouth, the group actually debated putting it in the back of their truck and bringing it back into town but Jacob was adamant that it was too heavy. They came up with the idea to come back and check on it after they were done at the jobsite. But when they came back, it was gone.
Later that week, Jacob’s house was attacked. It started when Jacob and a member of his family heard howls coming from the distance. Something very large then rammed into the side of their mobile home, almost turning it over. Jacob thinks that it was the same creature that they had seen at the side of the road. That is had picked up his scent, thought that maybe Jacob had been behind hurting the creature, and came for it’s revenge.
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