crystal liu

in crystal •  2 years ago  (edited)

老實講你講幣hong coin東哥嗰一個貼喺港鐵站大大隻字嘅大大幅橫額走去扮畢彼特嘅jpex廣告成個造型成個設計真係好撚*呀究竟邊一個設計㗎係邊一個將呢一個jpex嘅廣告設計得咁撚樣衰㗎令人一行過一見到一睇到就想嘔好心你啦jpex嘅幕後大金主喺jpex呢一場龐氏騙局當中呃撚咗咁多錢搵一個靚女少少嘅人返嚟又或者靚仔少少嘅人返嚟做宣傳做推手又或者做你嘅廣告嘅模特兒得唔得呀
一個唔肯去戒j嘅男人就好似一個明知道自己有心漏病嘅病人因為各種原因諱疾忌醫 始終唔肯鼓起勇氣單人匹馬一支公走去醫院做手術補返個心,驚畀人話自己毒,有得自己個心,任由讓其每一天都喺度滴緊血一撚樣,但係兩者 之間唔同嘅係人哋一個患有心漏病嘅病人長期病患者係用緊正常一倍速睇av嘅速度去滴緊血但係你呢一個唔肯戒j嘅人就係用緊人哋睇av睇到好撚悶嘅時候fast forwarding十倍速 去睇AV嘅速度去滴緊血
專家dickson喺viutv節目晚吹講性嗰個節目裏邊吹噓到自己有幾撚勁又話自己唔通識得射穿牆又話過你知咩號稱自己喺性交又或者係打飛機打到射精嘅時候擁有射穿牆好似咖瑪射線咁樣能夠穿透人體嘅能力咁樣能夠射穿女人身體嘅能力我想講嘅係你係勁你係有料嘅話射穿一層膠就夠啦使撚射穿牆咁撚把炮咩咁撚大功率咩咁撚大焦耳嘅能量咩好似專家dickson呢一啲喺佢射精時候擁有射穿牆能力嘅男人就好似德國二戰時候希特拉下令其軍工企業生產雖然真係好撚把炮威力真係好撚驚人好撚勁但係喺實戰當中根本就沒有任何嘅公路橋樑能夠承受其1000噸嘅重力載荷完全係overengineering嘅鼠式坦克咁樣專家dickson呢一個男人根本就係被上帝瞓瞓下覺發緊夢overengineering設計出嚟嘅男人又或者係上帝打飛機打到瀕臨射出精子狀態時候身體進入性高潮狀態high上腦臨時設計出嚟overengineering嘅男人未經過任何臨床實驗以及係產品一經面世進出市場後徹底被市場唾棄被女人唾棄被gay佬同性戀者同志唾棄亦都根本沒有任何消費者願意為其革命性創新性設計款式埋單嘅產品喺實際性交當中根本就沒有任何實用價值嘅實驗證失敗產品根本直頭唔好話係冇女人嘅身體能夠先唔好講呢一個世界上究竟有冇女人嘅身體可以承受得到專家dickson喺射精時後對其身體所產生嘅衝擊力亦都根本就連所有喺市面上售賣嘅床褥品牌當中旗下嘅產品有冇床架款式同埋床褥款式可以承受得到專家dickson射精時後對床架同埋床褥所產生嘅衝擊力都成問題 情況就好似中國國民黨同日本仔日本皇軍打仗嘅時候日軍所使用嘅點三吧榴彈泡點三八榴彈炮一撚樣每開完一炮之後強大嘅後座力都會造成地陷嘅問題 每當日軍喺同一個陣地開夠一定數量嘅炮彈之後就必須要 換地方先至可以繼續開炮作戰
如果最高峰時期一日試過打五次飛機嘅蕭別離同埋 被佢嘅仙女系女友主奴調教到分咗手之後要一日打足七次飛機先至可以平息到自己心中對前女友嘅思念同埋解決到前女友唔喺度唔喺身邊嘅時候男人嗰一份空虛寂寞凍,最終因為性上癮性沉溺問題搞到要打去毛記電視節目圍爐取暖嘅圍爐buddy jackie仔,佢哋碌鳩係一套多管火箭系統,喺自己YouTube頻道啲影片裏邊提及自己打飛機嘅時候唔需要用手嘅劉馬車佢碌鳩係一支自走炮嘅話,咁樣喺viuTV深夜喺ViuTV深夜清談節目專門講關於性方面話題嘅嗰一個節目裏邊 提及指自己射精嘅時候 精子嘅脫口初速高到一個地步係使其具有射穿牆能力並且引以為傲以此為豪作為嘅 每一集開頭開場白嘅專家Dickson佢碌鳩就係一支電磁軌道炮

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This is a one-time notice from SCHOOL OF MINNOWS, a free value added service on steem.
Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

A note on other bots warnings:

It's come to our attention that some of the people on this network (keys-defender run guityparties, and bots run by pfunk) have been attacking our advertorial notices by calling it a scam/fraud.

We have contacted the owners of those systems, we've shared our complete source code and processes, and explained that we've been running for longer that they have, and have been trusted by large subsets of users troughout, expressed all of our processes, which are simple, free, opensource and legitimate, and beneficial the blockchain and its users.

After doing lots of research and speaking to many other developers on this network, it's become clear that they use these false policing services to demote other projects in order to promote their own paid upvote scams and vote-abuse systems where they demote anything thats not designed to upvote their friends.
We respect their right to communicate what they want to, even if its false,however our project is highly respected, as well as open source, its already been audited by many users and its easy to confirm that there is no risk in using it.
Both our enrollment system and upvote bot is open source and whitelisted by MalwareBytes, accepted by Github, and we've serviced thousands of users since 2017, our bot is free and will only ever vote on your behalf if your idle reaches 100%.
We respect our users freedom, enrollement as well as unenrollment from our system is done directly on the blockchain and you do not need our services to join/leave.

Bot source:

Landing page source:

School of minnows is FREE OPEN SOURCE software, we run the bot on our own resources and maintain it for free, if you have any questions about the platform, the quickest way to make contact is directly contacting the lead developer on discord: moonshine#6211 if you want to add a friend directly, or on the entrypoint discord:
We are always active and happy to answer any questions you may have.

Enjoy best deals- Learn more

This is a one-time notice from SCHOOL OF MINNOWS, a free value added service on steem.
Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

This is a one-time notice from SCHOOL OF MINNOWS, a free value added service on steem.
Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.