in culture •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemians, Rens here!

Today I want to introcuce a new segment to my blog called DUTCH SAYINGS TRANSLATED.
In this segment of the blog I will translate 4 dutch sayings in to English. Let's get started!

  • Het regent pijpestelen!
    Translation: It rains steel pipes
    Meaning: Het regent pijpestelen means that it rains very hard with big drops. This saying is used a lot in the Netherlands and is totally not weird to say.


  • Ik val met de deur in huis!
    Translation: I fell with the door in the house.
    Meaning: To come straight to the point. You say this if you maybe come to the point a little to fast and want to sort of say sorry. This one is used a lot in the Netherlands.

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  • Er is niks aan de hand!
    Translation: There is nothing on the hand
    Meaning: There's nothing wrong, no reason to panic! This saying is not really a saying in the eyes of a Dutchie, because this is used so much!

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  • Ik zal ze een poepie laten ruiken!
    Translation: I shall let them smell a poopy
    Meaning: I am going to blow them away with what I can! I used this saying a lot when I still played soccer a lot, before the match we said we zullen ze een poepie laten ruiken! When I translate this I have to agree this one is a bit weird haha.

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This was DUTCH SAYINGS TRANSLATED part 1 of the ... I don't know yet!
I hoped you liked it and if so: Follow and upvote for more!

I hope to speek to you in my next post,


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