Meaning of Everyday Life 일상의 의미

in culture •  8 years ago  (edited)

Life is precious. I think that the most important thing in the life is daily life. Yes, we are happy when we feel happy in our daily life. If you can not find meaning in everyday life, it means that you need to change your way of living.

Everyday life seems not meaningful to everybody. When I went to Seoul Station as usual, I saw homeless people near Seoul Station. There were people leaning on the entrance to the subway station.

Homeless people in front of Seoul Station were not homeless from the beginning. Simply put, the fierce struggle of life has brought them here.

For someone, a daily life is just a burden.

Daily life is a blessing to someone, but for someone it is a curse. I went to the funeral for my senior colleagues' daughter yesterday. She died of gastric cancer at a young age of 30. How bad was life for her? She had donated her body for before her death, but the donation was unable because she was a cancer patient.
On my way back from her funeral, I thought I should live every day worthwhile.

In the morning, I strolled in front of the house and photographed people's pictures.

One lady who enjoys the sunshine of the morning

People having a brunch in the bakery

People on the street

A man who enjoys fishing in the lake

A farmer who works in a kitchen garden.

People enjoy their lives in various ways. But the life I am living at this moment seems to be the most precious moment in our life.

일상의 의미

삶은 소중하다. 그중에서 가장 소중한 것은 일상의 삶이다. 그렇다 우리는 일상에서 행복을 느낀다. 일상의 삶에서 의미를 찾지 못한다면 그것은 의미가 없는 삶일 것이다.

모든 사람에게 일상의 삶이 의미가 있는 것이 아니다. 어떤 사람에게 일상의 삶은 부담스러울 뿐이다. 여느 때 처럼 서울역에 갔다. 서울역 근처에는 노숙자들이 있었다. 대낮인데도 자리를 깔고 누워 있었다. 지하철 역입구에서 술잔을 기울이고 있는 사람도 있었다. 그들은 일상의 삶은 어떤 의미일까?

그들의 무표정한 얼굴에는 자신이 일상을 힘겨워하는 표정이 담겨져 있었다.

서울역 앞의 노숙자들도 처음부터 노숙자가 아니었다. 알지 못하는 삶의 질곡이 그들을 여기까지 데려다 놓았을 뿐이다.

누구에게 하루는 축복이고 누구에게 하루는 저주이다. 마침 어제 선배의 딸 장례식에 다녀왔다. 30살의 젊은 나이에 위암으로 사망했다. 그녀에게 삶이란 얼마나 아까운 것이었을까? 사망하기전에 시신을 기증했으나 암환자라서 기증을 하지 못했다고 한다. 얼마나 하고 싶은 것이 많았을까? 그녀는 꿈이 많았다고 한다. 그녀의 장례식장에서 돌아오는 길에 내가 과연 잘 살고 있는가 하는 생각을 했다. 그리고 하루하루를 보람있게 살아야 되겠다고 생각했다.

아침에 집앞에서 산책하면서 사람들의 모습을 사진에 담았다.

오전의 따스한 햇살을 즐기는 사람

빵집에서 구수하고 맛있는 냄새를 즐기면서 하루를 시작하는 사람

식당에서 자신들의 일을 마치고 모여서 식사를 하는 사람들

사람은 여러가지 모습으로 삶을 살아간다. 그러나 어떤 모습으로 어떤 삶을 살던 지금 이순간의 일상이 가장 소중한것 같다.

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Learning to be content with what you have in life is the key to happiness. There is no point worrying about the things we have no power over such as what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. This moment is all that truly exists

yes, you are right.

You see so many contrasts around you, @slowwalker - the traditional ways of life vs. the modern, old vs. new, wealthy people vs. the poor...and you ask the eternal question - What is the meaning of life?

Your answer can be summed up in a Zen phrase: Live in the moment - find something of value in everyday life.

A simple but poignant post, @slowwalker


I like to say it this way...
"I want to be present, in the present."
I desire to be alive, awake and aware, or be Present.
This minute, the Present.
These moments are priceless, lets not waste even one!!
Thank you for another awesome post!!

i still following you
thanks for sharing :)

yes yes,... i know what you mean. i wonder who of them has chosen this kind of life and who just got hooked by life´s circumstances. You start thinking about your own consistency in life

Very true photono, i love your comment

sad but great post!
Thank you for sharing :)

Interesting post.

Sometimes I wonder who are the ones who are really trapped. The people who are stuck in the loop of having to work the majority of their life to pay for the materialistic things they crave for...

Or the ones who don't have a job, a home, maybe even a family and have to survive. Yet are free from this loop...?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

it's sad... but sadder is when you changed an upvote from $90 to $1, I had a bad day yesterday.

Well it seems this is mindset nowadays. People caring only about money and others poor people don't have food to eat or a little house to sleep in...

Our countries should do something

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Same. It felt really bad. But whatever. I like the content a lot so don't really care about votes lol.

Oh sorry @jwolf
It seemed that I made a mistake.
How can I continue to vote $90 to the comment

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Set your votepower on max.

I think it's better for all of us to receive $1 than only 5 to receive 90$

lol i was just joking :D Money is not really important.


I understand man! Don't worries. $1 is still huge and I appreciate you! It was just that shock you know, it was unbelievable!


Agreed! I calculated that @SlowWalker can make 3500 Upvotes at $1 each. It's so amazing. I appreciate you man!

Reality based cultural projected post
We have to think on this topic..
Help the poors with Respect
Keep it up Author
Nice post

thank you

@slowwalker wow....what a brilliant post........just awesome the post motivates me so much.......
upvote+follow you
this is my new post please upvote my post if you want

@slowwalker i know you upvoted my post.....thank you very much for means a lot to me.......
i will upvote+resteemed each and every post of your's.....thank you again for supporting me

Thank you very much for telling what the meaning of life @slowwalker you are great

Like your post. There is so much going outside of what we see.

Thank you for this vital information. Upvoted

Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.

Very true blazing,,, The peace of the mind is all we need

Motivating Blog.. Upvoted, followed and Resteemed.. Follow me back @gauravchugh

Awesome post, Thank you for sharing:)

soon, farmer and worker will be payed more than manager

Nice post. Thanks for sharing this good idea.
I just vote up you;)

But I think, the poor homeless people, still have hope, else they would not want to live anymore. If there is hope there is a chance. Their life needs maybe a hand of help.

They still see it as precious. You are so right. We shall live our lifes to the fullest and enjoy the moments.

you are right

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you, even sometimes our culture is different(Korean to Eastern Europe), we are humans, and have the same needs and feelings, like need for safety, need for love and hope. This drives us on this planet. If one of this is lost, we see ourselves in trouble.

Now I see that this is my 600 post or comment on steemit. Been glad for that.

Great advice! I agree that we need to be happy every day of our lives. However, sometimes we forget about it and we are constantly hurrying somewhere.

love your post, thanks

As always my friend really loving your post

Great post and very thought provoking. Just reminds how fortunate we are and whenever we see a homeless person we should do something to help even if it just some money for a hot meal.

Yes as you said first life is precious I completely agree with your statement and you choose very interesting post and photos is also nice keep it up

I like your reflection man

삶의 의미을 생각하게 하는 군요
쓸쓸함을 담백하게 담아 내시고....

Many homeless people are mentally ill or have had some bad events in life. If you look hard enough you can easily see yourself in their shoes. Its really a measure of society in the way we treat those in bad circumstances.

For some people life is miserable. Photos are excellent thanks for sharing.

people just need a shimmer of hope and motivation, or a purpose, a reason to go just one more minute, or hour or day. Good post thanks for sharing

Life can never be a curse
It can either be called a blessing or a might be a rollercoaster ride with innumerable ups and downs but every up and down brings us bigger & better experiences, lessons and memories......even a whole of lifetime is not enough to learn what exactly life wants to teach us coz its an unending vast as an that it gives us so many beautiful things to be recalled before the last sleep.......that is the biggest gift

Your comment made me think more on life
thank you

life is the gift of God so enjoy it in any situation thanks


yes, its true..

help to help,vote to vote,earn to earn= Rich Together fighting all friends


I was homeless for 2 year's, i really know how it feel when you don't have nothing. My worst problem was alcohol. But after 2 year's i found job and back to life. Thank's god and never again. Thank you for your post brother. @slowwalker

good luck to you
We are always with you

Homeless people remind me what is most important in life. You have to love your family, and not give up. Hard work everyday and taking care of the future will bring us to the better life.

Great post. A quote that Relates to your post, and I agree with is:

“Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.” - Josh Billings

To me, that quote inspires me to live life to the fullest, regardless of my current situation or struggles that I'm going through.

We have to enjoy our everday life, dont waste every minute but cherish every moment. Nice post in life 😁i follow you now.

Life is beautiful @slowwalker

nice post man

i like your post my friend

Thanks )

Yes, life is unfair. Someone lives in huge houses on the ocean with a bunch of rooms, someone huddles in cramped huts in the middle of a huge pile of garbage. Both of them live, and both are people, both of them have the right to be happy. But if we look closer, we can find a lot of places where life can be called very conditional.
Only i do not know whether the problem is in the choice of a certain person or because of what is happening globally in the world. Maybe one day i'll understand.

It's true. I must say, you speak good English considering it's not your main language! I gave an Upvote for trying :)

People have the choice to be happy or not. Most people just accept their circumstances of not being good enough too. That's the real reason those people are homeless.

But yes, just be happy :)

그런데 어떻게 한국말을 좋아하니 .. :)

thank you for your comment

Only my pleasure :) Did that bit of Korean make sense? :P

I am a happy person because I have the meaning of my life, my kids and my family. I give thanks to God. When I saw the homeless people in your photo, I felt sorry to them. God bless them.

There are over 7 billion of us here in the world...and there's an untold percentage that just takes life for granted. Often times, we ask ourselves these questions: Why am I here? What is my purpose?

For as long as I lived, I've usually lived by helping out others before myself. Even if I don't expect or get nothing in return, I know I've done the right thing.

But it's important not to let people take advantage of us because of our ablity to do good. That's why we should use our instincts to determine if it's worth helping them out or end up getting hurt as a result. It's tough...but in the end, our instincts will guide us. Makes sense, right?

Anyways, let's appreciate our fellow humans while we live life to the fullest. I'd rather pass on in my old age knowing I've done some right with little regrets, than do nothing and have so many regrets.

Up'd and resteemed, my friend. Thanks for this.

we only can do is thankful for what we have. enjoy your day...

좋은 글 잘봤습니다.
보팅 꾹! 누르고 가요^^


좋은 글 감사합니다.
다양한 사진들을 보며 씁쓸하기도 하네요.

그냥 기억에 남겨 두어야지요

No offense, But I often wonder how often people are taking photos of others with out consent. I mean it makes one aware of others who like to carry around a bulky camera all the time. Like this guy on the subway was once just snapping shots from the end of the cart with out anyone noticing. And no one caught on because you know, cell phones.

Just figured I'd mention the reality of this even though your intentions were good in sense of adding to the message you wanted to spread.

Great post

I look back at my life as I read your article.
U are right.
Yes, it is our life.
We are not perfect.
We just try to live a day given to ourselves without regret.
Your writing is really true and wonderful.
Thank u!!

Good post @slowwalker

Gratitude, mindfulness, peace in the moment. Nice feel.

Thank you.

I just posted a vid on how to enjoy moments more...
I feel it's on topic if you have a moment.
Much love. b

ps my favorite pic is in the bakery. People moving. One working. a group talking. A couple eating. Just life in all its little beautiful moving parts. Simple and tender.

인생은 우리 중 일부에게는 힘들 수 있습니다. 우리는 이미 가지고있는 작은 것들에 행복하게 대하도록 노력해야합니다.

생각을 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 나는 일상 생활의 사진을 찍는 사진 작가를 좋아합니다. 그것은 내게 알려지지 않은 또 다른 삶을 엿볼 수있게 해준다.

공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.

Indeed a curse to some who has everything and in just a blink of an eye they lost all of it, even their minds are gone..Cruel but its reality.

I have always appreciated life and what anyone does for me no matter how small, when I became homeless and lost my house in 2009 I lost everything and I lived in my car through the rough winter and hot summer, when my car broke down I lived in the woods. Let me tell you that was the best thing that could have happened to me, because now I do not care at all about material possessions and love life even more than before. I love in a little apartment and I an so happy just to have this because I know what its like not to have a bed and a shower and a refrigerator. I always pray for the homeless that they may find somewhere or somehow to get off the streets, I loved your pictures and thank you for your steem🌷

great post
awesome @slowwalker

wow, I agree @slowwalker life is indeed precious and we should cherish , respect and honor it...

great post able to identify

Life with a different meaning... Perfectly describe @slowwalker.. One should live the present moment at the fullest.

Thank you slowwalker for the poignant pictures and perspective you have just presented of Korea. I myself felt these thoughts overwhelm me at least once a week during my 8 years living in Seoul and watching the many different sellers on the subway, the physically-challenged children and elderly men and women asking for some form of assistance or acknowledgement of their daily struggle. I felt compelled by some form of socal responsibility to contribute on a personal level 9/10 times because I was aware of the lack of social welfare system protecting the most vulnerable and poor in Korea. If I ever missed an opportunity to give it was for the same reason that I saw many others. I felt most of the time people were always rushing to reach their destination that they simply ignored the elderly man lying on the floor in front of them. If that wasn't the case, then I felt that many felt embarrassed to acknowledge them. I noticed this attitude whenever I had decided to buy an item and reached for the dollar in my purse, that others would immediately follow. Most often, I would decide to buy the item not because I needed it, but because I knew that by initiating the gesture, others would follow. I am always grateful to be fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads, food on the table and a job that allows me to continue to afford my lifestyle. For this reason, I believe I have a social responsibility to at least acknowledge the struggles of others and provide help whenever possible.

What is happiness? I like the interpretation from the Russian language - the word happiness is translated as a moment now! You are right @slowwalker!
Have a nice day!

It is terrible that man can happen to become homeless! I love your moments in peoples life, especially fishing man, wonderful post

Slowwalker give me some love in san diego @bradley200

하루하루 소중히 살다보면, 나중에 그 결실을 알수 있는 그런 글 같네요 ㅎㅎ

I totally agree that the daily life is the one that makes your overall life happy or not. It does not matter if you are able to afford 1 month a year on an expensive vacation in heaven let's say, if the rest of 11 months you work in the most stressful environment just to earn the money for that month away. In Romania, my birth country, unfortunately, a lot of people go for months in foreign countries to work like slaves just to have money for the holidays, to spend the holidays with their families and be happy for that short period. Those people cannot say that they have a happy life, or at least I wont believe them when they say that.

저도 매일매일 지금의 순간을 소중하게 생각하려고 노력하면서 살아가고 있습니다. 좋은 이야기 정말 감사합니다^^

Thanks for the story. My meaning in life is my children. I am capable of anything to make them happy. And I treat ambush people ambiguously. I always give money to grandparents who beg money. But I will never give money to homeless people who can go to work. At least in Ukraine, these people buy vodka.

Vodka needs love too. :)

the meaning of life for mom is kids, I know. lol
homeless, they are pity.
and I understand you never give them money.

I give only to those who really need it. If I see that a homeless drunk - I'll never give money. So it's better to buy food, and they will drink money.

Hola excelente tu post te invito que conozcas el mio y me regales un voto, gracias un Abrazo Gigante desde Bogotá Colombia @ferchomusic
Hello, your post I invite you to meet me and give me a vote, thanks a hug Giant from Bogota Colombia @ferchomusic

Live is like a vacation. Everyone wants to be at the resort but nobody wants the long agonizing bus ride to get there. 😁

This post received a 2.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @bleujay! For more information, click here!

Very nice! Keep up the good work!

I am happy to know and to see that there is a person that like me likes to portray the reality of the daily life of his city. The photos are wonderful, congratulations @slowwalker. Have a nice week.

nice report, just find the beauty in the small things, people just want always more and forget about if the more they get really is a real happiness

It's true, we have to enjoy every single minute because we don't know for how long we will be here. Even if now it's not as you wanted to be, try feeling blessed because can be very bad too.

in this world some ppl have luck ( home,food..) ,others not :'( its life

When you consider it carefully, you find that living in the moment is the most sensible thing to do. In fact, all we ever have is the present moment, the Now. The past and future are illusions. When we experienced what we call past, we experienced it in the Now and not as yesterday. When we shall experience what we call future, it will not be future but Now. So all we ever have is Now. Living in the Now will free you from pain. Then you realize that Now is powerful.

삶의 의미를 찾은 사람과 그렇지 않은 사람. 의미는 찾는 사람에게 오지요.

Hello @slowwalker !
What you've published is very nice to have a successful day.
I'm following your profile

niice post man !! and good luck for other posts
you have a good subjects !!

Yes u r correct, we have to live the moment. Every seconds passing us is not going to comeback.

Great post! Living life 1 day at the time!

yes, we should love the life we live and live the life we love

Awesome post as always

Wonderful words !


Thanks for sharing this such a great post.


I am very sorry to hear of your friend's loss. I cannot imagine how sad it would be to lose a child. Thank you for posting this. It is a good reminder to truly appreciate what I have and to help others who are in need.

Very cool post :) I like it :)

Good life photos, @slowwalker

This same compassionate attitude is required to make this life more beautiful and wonderful,.....
We have to take care of those around us,..... Good Observation,....
Follow me @xeepositive

that's a very deep post thanks a lot for sharing it and keep on posting ;)

Rich or poor, famous or unknown, popular or hated, everyone's fighting their own battle. It's good to have some empathy and compassion for everyone in this world.


좋은 글 감사합니다.
저에게 교훈이 되는 글이네요.
저도 하루하루 알차게 지내려고 노력하고 있습니다.

thank you for the photos :)

Wonderful and correct words spoken by you. We must live today, here and now. And enjoy every minute, the second lived. After all, only one God knows the moment when life will be interrupted.

Beautiful and I like .... do not visit my steamit aun @ lesmanggis

Nice post it. Good luck always do not never give up. Life is full of challenges and obstacles but all there is wisdom

This post made realize that life can be beautiful. Thanks.

wow bro

저도 그런 감정을 느낄때가 많습니다. 조금 더 나이가 들면 점점 더 많이 느낄 것같네요..잘봤습니다