Austrian Joins ISIS, Becomes Postergirl, Gets Beaten to Death

in culture •  8 years ago 

Let this be a lesson, to those who say, " Refugees Are Welcome".

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Refugees aren't terrorists. They are fleeing from terrorists.

Trojan Horses with gypsy tears is all I see...

Look again.

Those are the posters that support the narrative. The vast majority of refugees are military aged men, with balls full of cum, waiting to impose their will on European women. Altruism is cultural suicide.

Sorry but I have to agree.... Islam is a perverse religion filled with ravenous wolves under the disguise of a holy innocent religion. They treat women worse than moldy dog crap. Wild donkey men.

Islam teaches that lying to your enemies is necessary for the greater good or to achieve a long term goal.

You have been watching waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Fox "News".

To hell with Fox news. Have you not seen who is responsible for the most mass murders and rape in Europe? I'll give you a hint. It ain't the locals!

Except the ones that are terrorists...

I'm following you @luvnnana