Because they do not tell the reality of what happens in the Gulf of Adem, something suspicious

in curation •  8 years ago 

In these times we are seeing things that are outside the parameters that the leaders themselves have tried to teach us through all our lives. There are reports that certain strange activities are happening in certain places on the planet, such things are denounced by certain people who are accused of being believers in conspiracy theories, but certain behaviors seem to corroborate what these people denounce, such as In the case of all that takes place in the Gulf of Aden, located in the north of Somalia and southern Yemen, it appears that in the waters of that gulf are the naval forces of almost all the developed countries, with the supine mission of fighting against the groups Which exert piracy in the area, but what happens is that the disproportion is very remarkable, when we observe the military technology and compare it with these pirates, gives much to think, really what is happening in that area of the world.

The bureaucrats are not able to clarify what is happening in Adem, what is known is what is supposedly filtered, is the idea of being in search or looking after some kind of portal, base not built by humans, or things like that, Is very strange, while through lives samples we learned only what in our schools they taught us, now it seems that we are behind technologies that we only saw in movies and worse yet they were used in remote times, one could wonder what happened ? Because we pass from knowledge, to a period of ignorance, which comes to recover thanks to our own evolution in the markets that by the way that leadership has used very well, to grow their respective businesses.

It could also be wondered if pirates who are very low level people and with much less resources than the gunships present in the gulf are as dangerous as they try to show us, because to know that it is really dangerous there does not seem to have been said, I do not I dare not even name it what to the thought comes to me, for fear of being branded as fanatic and influenced by films like Iron Man or Thor, but is that the armed deployment around the area so confirms, but those in charge of those missions They blame the pirates who move on boats for fishermen, with an armament that is not something as big as the one displayed by the military.

Something tells me that we are on doors to witness something that will leave us totally surprised, even though books, movies, television and the Internet are already warning us about things outside of parameters and that even for some people would be fanciful stories , The truth is that there is a kind of evidence, which shows a strange situation but has always been there since time immemorial. This is what proponents of conspiracy theories want everyone to know, but as long as those in charge of administering authority and our money take care not to confirm, the doubt is to be maintained.

That area has become very conflictive, not even so far this Syria, Israel, even strong conflicts distinguish Yemen and Somalia, in addition to nearby war zones such as Iraq, and Afghanistan, this whole area has the characteristic of being the cradle of The most ancient cultures of our civilization, many things have been said about these cultures, but we still have to confirm if those fantastic stories of antiquity correspond to reality, because we do not really know who says the truth, because we have a right to know which Is the reality of our species on this planet.

Maybe you do not believe what I write here or maybe if you are a believer, or you have the position that I take, that looks at many inconclusive evidences in many cases, but evidences are, confirm them or it is not the part that corresponds to our societies, but while Let us prepare ourselves for something great, in case it arrives.



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