I have the fix right here and it must be done in this order and do not move to the next step until the current one is complete!!!
All voters must be full U.S. Citizens and require a Voter ID for ALL elections including but not limited to Federal, State and even city, county and school boards.
Cut funding to countries that do not work with us or have corruption so deep that the money doesn't go to the designated area. Cut funding to all Countries that allows any inhuman treatment of it's people!
Freeze all immigration that is not a direct application from the individual. (Freezing chain migration, visa lottery, all of it except legal applications) reduce the Legal migration to 250,000 per year until the last step!
Freeze all DACA & Illegal non-criminal (other than illegal immigration) alien's status. We have a database of many of them and for the ones we don't know of require proof that they were here (in the US) as of January 2017. If they cannot prove it they are deported period!!
Fund and build the border wall and fully secure the U.S. Mexican border - (money saved from step 2 should help a lot!)
Grant all current DACA and illegal aliens, from step 4, legal resident status in the U.S.A. but restrict the status - this status must be made clear on all forms of Identifications including but not limited to State IDs and Drivers licenses. This status does not allow the ability to work with, for or influence in any way any form of elections. Nor does it grant any rights to own a firearm or CDL, pilot or other specialized licenses/permits under federal law.
Allow all legal residents in step 6 to apply for full U.S. Citizenship. But require the full U.S. Citizenship Course and only allow 300,000 per year at a time.
Chain migration will now be limited to immediate family members (mother, father, husband, wife and children) no more. Chain migration immigrants will only be given legal resident status but can apply as in step 7 for full citizenship. Limit 800,000 per year.
Visa lottery is fully eliminated.
All further legal immigration will be on a merit based system with exception to the chain migration (as in Step 8 ) from the merit based recipients of Citizenship.
All illegal immigrants from this point forward will be deported with NO exceptions!!
All immigration will be limited to 2,000,000 people per year for at least the next 10 years.