Dear @Dayleeo // 18th November 2k18 // holy moly, november is straight moving!

in daily-diary •  6 years ago 

Good morning biza, it’s around 7am, Sunday morning, I don’t remember a time recently that I was up and awake at that time of the morning on a Sunday, these tablets maybe were the best kick start you could have given me — even if it’s not them that’s causing the trigger, it’s been a good plus vibe.

Boy has been up since around about 5am/5:30am this morning but only actually gotten up and outta bed in the last thirty minutes, the kettle is boiling behind me and the banana squad has already been broken out, I’ve had my glass of water and I’m straight into Sunday mode, I’m gonna have a solid breakfast at 8am and today is gonna rock.

Was a little concerned about your title of your post this morning when I saw it, the fact you were hungry, why you not eating girl, are you forgetting to eat? Come on you gotta eat, that’s what the meal prep situation is all about, I guess I should read the rest of the post right?

Mad props for the logistics on the bills and stuff, talk about cutting things down and out and replacing and making cheaper and yet giving maybe more flexibility, that’s so awesome — and yes, I’m slowly getting in sync, we lived through the bear market this year so far and actually we adjusted as we needed too, now we gotta drop it like it’s hot.

I respect the hard work and the long hours but not at the expense of ya health — I realise it’s a time crunch for a lot of things and to get everything ‘jammed’ in but really when you stand back from it you could have probably done it all in maybe 3 x 2 hr sprints - maybe, let’s just say maybe, think about ‘half’ that 11 hr blocks and spend the other half on you today - baths, pampering and the like, your body and brain will thank you for it.

Sorry we never got that film in, I just was like totally laser locked onto things today, like maybe it’s been building up and I just wanted to get the start on some of the projects and I realised I did not have a bunch of things in place, I’m not sure the reason but whatever it was I still need to keep going on that — I’ve also gotta get that client ideally all finished up today as well, that’s gonna be the majority of my morning I think.

Yeah that bill from $116 down to $40 that’s fire, especially if this device you get comes unlocked, we might be able to put a uk sim in it as well and use it as another connection, bonded together for lovely redundancy or added speed — I’d be interested to see how that device works out at your mums as well, if it’s any better and if you can really work remotely in the US with it kinda thing.

I suggest you plan today, do max six hours of work, six hours of you/admin planning for what you need to get on Monday and then get it all food done, packed and prep and your bags packed for the sit with the doggo, you’ll be ok, does not matter that it’s a new place with a new dog, you’ll work it all out and at the end of it you’ll have to extra cheddar in the back skyrocket (pocket) to help with end of year @transition situations.

See I told you the mspwaves show was cool, I’ve got a lotta time for someone that gives information out like that so freely but also unpacks it, raises debate, makes you question what your own ethics are, where they are rooted and how to change them progressively — it’s always a show that makes me respect her opinions and as you know that takes a lot for me! — don’t know if it’s because of the old social media days but like I’ve always said I much prefer working with women than blokes.

was that SheRarRRARA in your post?! -- let’s go She RaR RaR putting out those ‘are we having chips with curry and a large fish’ vibes. digging it.

Yep the podcasts need a make over, we need to pep them up and I think we also need to throw in a song or too, we find some great tracks and I’m sure there are a bunch of open source/free music tracks we could be playing, I found a thing called choon because of an mspwaves show that could be great for including in the casts, time to cross the streams in true ghostbusters style.

Yeah I think the effect was certainly placebo, but maybe it was like I was waiting for something to break the deadlock, I could certainly feel more driven, they felt a little less intense than the other attention tablets I have, either way, getting back on them again today - but I wanna have proper breakfast first, I’m glad that I can write this out to you first thing and then do that.

Funny thing placebo right, we want to believe, it’s like my blue inhaler — this notion that even thou I’m panting and struggling at times (not recently) with breathing when I don’t take my inhaler out with me I know when I get back I can solve that with the inhaler, it’s like we put so much confidence in those things to just always work, we even catalog our experience with it, like shortest path to getting a result — yet with a placebo it’s the not knowing right, I’m sure many times doctors have given me fake inhalers! :)

Wrist(watch) (OH) is much better, I think it’s probably about 60% now, whatever that was is now in retreat, the sharp stabbing pain when I touch the tender part has gone and while I’m nerve(y) (OH) to push too hard there (OH) I have better motion in there and know that it’s in repair mode so my brain is being nicer to me instead of that overriding (my body is falling apart) vibe you get when things seem to cascade, the supplements could not have come at a better time, pumped to get back on turmeric for my joints in the middle of the week.

i’m gonna finish up here I think, it’s like twenty to 8am and hey btw, those slippers, I’ve not taken them off yet. Like seriously they are so toasty warm, that’s another thing I forgot to mention, maybe it’s just the time and the quiet and the warmth and the cosies but today feels like a Boxing Day, like if you were here we would be picking five movies to watch — Groundhog Day would have to be one of them thou, I love that at Christmas time ;)

Ok, boy needs to get his shit together over here, time for a hearty breakfast, then some script copying down and then actual recording of those parts, I won’t get paid for any of it this week but at least next week should help contribute to the bigger picture, I’m also expecting more work to come in because you know, I wanna do creative projects and whenever I do that the universe says no and sends me more work! :)

Go figure. am I right? Rarararr, yes I am.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

(buckle up buttercup, december is coming)

Da Mouser,

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7 am boy!!? Let’s go! That’s freaking awesome sounds like mr toasty toes is ready to crush it. Shraraaaa is going to be sending u NEEEDDD CUDDLESSS vibes big time I gotta start a movie list ibthink- so much I wanna watch together ♥️ I love u glad to hear ur wrist is better get those magic beans and breakky down ya!

hey hey hey. biza connnnnnectt. good morning! :)