Dear @DtubeDaily on @Dtube #89 // I love the rainy day sundaze, they are so productive! :)

in daily-vlog •  7 years ago 


Yes, I love the sound of rain on my roof — while everyone is finding their thick socks, fixing themselves a plate of whatever to last the day ahead boy is firing himself up into productivity mode, I’m here to conquer the sunday avoiding all distractions and getting straight into the juicy parts of the day — I have coffee, milk and intention. The body is ready.

hey btw, did you know that I have recently become verified on @dlive — yep that’s right I’m a fully fledged dlive video uploader, I really can’t wait to do live shows on their with @dayleeo on the daily! :)

So yeah, ranting morning, one coffee deep, sundays like this are my favourite and even thou I know this is gonna be a super long day and I’ll probably be over tired tomorrow and feeling a little jaded on the monday start because it has an energy shift because it’s half way point (week3) of the summer holidays for my daughter I know what my plan is for the week ahead — I’ve got a clear idea of tuesday an thursday this week and it’s gonna be filled with awesomeness.

Why? Because I want it to be, because I’m forcing it to be, because I’m shaping my local environment like dr strange with a coke habit hard-on for all things making and process — after all if we are not DOING what the hell are we DOING HERE? — it’s far too easy to slip into apathy, we must fight, we must fight every waking breath to get further ahead, never slip into negativity but instead focus on the positives and do not limit yourself by getting trapped inside your head.

Feel like I’ve dodged the rain clouds this morning — thank you universe for gifting me safe passage from frustration and allowing me to crush the first part of the morning which has delivered me in front of the machine ready to reduce my work load and in the process build momentum.

Are you ready for this week? Let’s get it.

H U M B L E x

▶️ DTube
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Let's Get it Humble!! I love love the positive vibes! While most are whinning and leaving or getting demotivated and unfocused because of prices, others are out here grinding it all out! Resilience is Key in this game! Happy Sunday xo

i don't focus on what others are doing. ... zig while everyone else zags..
