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Friday, November 30, 2018.
The Great Supper of God
Revelation 19: 11 - 21
Qs. 1,5 See Questions HERE.
The white horse in v. 11 is probably not the same as that of 6:2. The context here indicates the rider is Christ returning as Warrior-Messiah-King. Christ has a name veiled from all created beings (v. 12). He redeemed us from sin with His atoning blood (v. 13). Notice the description of Christ in vs 12-16. These names reveals the character of Jesus. The 'armies of heaven' (v. 14) are either angelic beings (Psalm 68:17) or possibly also, the believers (Revelations 17:14).
Christ is sovereign. He will rule as a shepherd. He is the Lord of lords and King of kings. As the saints are enjoying with Him, the wicked will face His wrath at the 'great supper of God' (vs 17-21). It will be a grim period for them in contrast to those at the wedding supper (v. 9; cf. Ezekiel 39:17-19). Evil will be overthrown by God when they gather to make war (vs 19-21; 16:16) at Armageddon.
And so:
When the Lord Jesus returns, will He find you as a friend or a foe?
Lord Jesus, we await in faith Your return to deliver us from all the powers of darkness.
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