Daily Nature Fix: A Scenic Hike Memorialized. (Original Photos & Art)

in dailynaturefix •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemit users and fellow nature buffs.  Today's daily nature fix is going to have a slightly different twist than it's predecessors. The twist is that it involves a bit of artwork.  I mentioned in my IntroduceYourself post that I started oil painting several months ago and have been really enjoying it.  I got caught up watching a Bob Ross mini-marathon on PBS one Saturday morning and decided I wanted to give it a shot.  I went out the next day and bought the cheapest crappiest supplies I could and give it a go.  To my surprise, it turned out pretty well.  I painted several paintings throughout the winter.  I'd paint all kinds of landscapes and seascapes, which ended up being another good way for me to enjoy nature during the cold months.  Anyway, I eventually tried to use a photo reference for one of my paintings and that's the one you'll see here.  Prior to this painting, I was always just winging it and making things up as I went.

    The painting in question was inspired by a really cool hike we took in Glacier National Park.  It lead to Fishercap Lake which was known to be frequently visited by moose.  There was one spot along the trail, however, that was especially picturesque.  An almighty mountain in the distance, trees framing both sides of view, and a trail in the foreground that disappeared into the forest.  Perfection. 

^^^My fiancé Kylene taking point on the hike.

    There it is; what a scene huh?! Now before I share my painting rendition, I'd like to make it clear that I know I'm no Bob Ross, or Bill Alexander, or Kevin Hill.  I'm still a noob when it comes to painting.  Actually, I'm still a noob when it comes to art, in general.  I've got a ways to go and a lot to learn.  I know that.  That being said, I did take some creative liberties with the painting.  I removed Kylene from the scene and I added a few extra trees and some sunbeams and whatnot.  Okay, I'm rambling.  Without further ado, here it is!:

^^^12in x 16in Oil on Canvas.

I hope you enjoy both the photograph and the painting!  Life has thrown a few curveballs at me the past 3 months, so I haven't really been able to paint much at all.  I'll share them on here once I start again (probably not on the Daily Nature Fix blog though).  

Thank you for reading and have a great night.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***

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I love mountain scenes.

well done!

Excellent post! Like the idea of sharing a painting and photo together.

Nice shot and very good art! Thaks for sharing!

Lovely photograph and painting.