Daily pet photography event. My entry №46 of @kona.

in dailypetphotography •  7 years ago 

This is a daily call from @kona! To participate, read the participation rules https://steemit.com/dailypetphotography/@kona/daily-pet-photography-challenge


Knopka continues to roll on the asphalt every day. She probably does not believe. that it's already spring ... I do not exactly believe, because snow and cold forecast again.

Кнопка продолжает валяться на асфальте каждый день. Она наверное не верит. что уже весна...Я точно не верю, потому что опять прогнозируют снег и холод.

camera Nikon Coolpix S2700

Good luck and patience to you!

Удачи и терпения вам!

Thank you for Your attention!

Follow me! @inna-yatsuk

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Greetings to the cute fur ball Knopka :) Having fun with sun bathing.

I also say "piece of fur" ))).

Thanks to @kona/daily-pet-photography-event-day84, I found this gorgeous cat who loves rolling on asphalt. Our ginger loved rolling in dust and hay or dried grass. Great photos!

Thank you!