Thoughts for today....Diary

in dairy •  5 years ago  (edited)

So today was a decent day. I hardly slept last night, so luckily I got some rest during the day time. I love to rest because the gift of rest is something we must not take for granted.

After I had a nice rest, I got a bath with oatmeal, olive oil and kefit yogurt, to sooth my sore skin. A back note on my painful skin. I thought it would be a good idea to make my own creams and soaps, and it turned out to be a very terrible idea, as I inflamed my skin and now my skin needs healing.

After my 1.5 hour bath, I feel refreshed. I decided to go to the grocery store and when I got there, there was line-up to get in, so I said fuc* that i'm not waiting around in this line-up here like an old fool, so I hit up another store with no issues.

Being treated like people need to be afraid of me is taking a toll, but I am going to get through it.

It's very convenient that the world was starting to wake up and take action. Paris was in an uprising, Hong Kong, and many other places, were starting to push back against the oppressors, and now they have outlawed large gatherings. I don't know why many people can't see that this whole ordeal is a farce.

I mean we are from nature, we are like other animals and natural things. Do you think it makes sense to have a airborne "disease demon" that can get you anytime no matter what? Come on, this is the worst superstition yet and it's going to make alot of people very ill. We can't live like this together and if this is what it's going to be like I am going to go far far away from here and not look back. I will not be treated like this and I will not be afraid.

If you have a strong mind, you will have a strong body. Wim Hof, can control his own immune system and he injected himself with a toxic substance and was not affected by this at all. You can search this on Youtube and it shows the power we have over our immune system.

I just tried to add this video on Youtube and my account has been blocked again. I guess I have said too much again and I'm not even going to worry about this, i'll just let it go. I was sharing the video by Stefan Lanka, throughout Youtube and I guess they had enough because they want to control the narrative and keep people stuck in fear.

I want my flashbacks to go away. My bad memories to disappear. I don't want to feel sad about that past. I don't want to be stuck in the past. The past has no hold over me. I am strong and I will get through this.

I hope you all had a peaceful day.

Let us all Pray for each other.

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WOW! I didn't know who Wim Hof was till after reading this. I like this guy! I started watching some of his videos on youtube and subscribed to his channel. Thank you @shakanin! Blessed I am to have met you here on Steemit :-).

I was so happy to find Wim Hof too. I started off today with the breathing exercise that he suggests and i'm going to commit to doing this each morning. I find the cold showers very hard, but I will succeed in doing this soon. He shows us our untapped power that each of us has, it's incredible. Thanks for your kind words and that means a lot. I"m so Blessed to have met you here too. You make this place feel safe and comfortable for me, so thanks so much.