I believe that good behavior begets more good behavior and bad behavior accomplishes the same. This is why once one person puts a shitty street tag using spray paint on something that others seem to be drawn to do the same thing. This can be applied to almost anything in life but unfortunately it seems more prevalent when it comes to being socially irresponsible. When the trash first appeared in this new street-art park that people were enjoying it didn't take long for more and more garbage to pile up. Now it is at the point where it is getting out of control and I would imagine the owners will soon just seal the area off completely.

It started out at a chair and some random debris from I presume nearby construction sites, but now it has escalated into a full out trash dump. The people that are dumping here are even doing it in a lazy way and just piling more garbage on the outside of the area, making a rubbish wall of sorts..

This is really sad to me because this place was one of the few spots in this area where something nice just kind of happened by accident. It wasn't officially declared a street-art park, it just kind of became one. As I mentioned before someone put a makeshift cafe in there and there would be 10 or so people there at night that were watching the talented street artists perform their craft. I noticed multiple nationalities doing this and everyone was peaceful and it was just.... nice!
The owner of the cafe was even careful to make sure that none of the patrons littered here and for a while it looked like we were going to have a nice place to hang out at night to do something besides just do the usual and go to a sports bar and play pool. But the awful and irresponsible nature of the average person took over once again in this garbage heap that is called a city.

The stack of dirt here just proves what I have suspected about the nearby construction sites being the major culprits here too. There is nothing wrong with that dirt. They just ordered a bit more of it than they needed and dumped the extra over here. Considering the fact that the building in the background has been in a state of unfinished for several years says to me that the owner(s) walked away from this property quite some time ago and don't give a crap about it.
I was talking to a few of my friends about what we or just I could do to get this cleaned up and they told me about a company that will come and collect all of this and it actually costs a lot less than you might think. The Vietnamese people, however, encouraged me to NOT do this because this will only encourage the dumpers to do it even more because now they know that not only can they dump their crap here, but someone else is going to pay for it to be taken away.
It is horrible that people are like this in this city, but without paying for a security guard to stand there all day and night I guess people simply can't be convinced to do the right thing. I simply cannot understand the mind of a person that will intentionally destroy something lovely and just not give a damn about the impact that it has on other people. This is selfishness at a very high level.