Dancing with life

in dancing •  8 years ago 

People who surpass in the physical manifestation of their ideas, teaches you to set realistic goals and apply them flexibly, responding to specific conditions. If you want to understand that means flexibility, and it monitors the behavior of the cultivation of the earth, young in the wind. Its trunk is thin and fragile, but has impressive strength and durability. This is due to the fact that it moves with the wind, not against it.

When conditions are just right, something should happen, it will happen effortlessly. When conditions are not suitable, even great efforts will not succeed. To move along with the wind requires sensitivity compared to existing conditions.

There is a time for relaxing and relieving moments in order to move vigorously forward.
To know when you're going and when you're not riding, it is a matter of common sense and intuition. Abstract thinking can not lead in itself, the perception is true. It must be combined with emotional sensitivity. How to see things correctly, you should understand how much you have invested emotionally in the situation and the way in which this event occurs and unfolds outward.

Needs to be taken into consideration as the reality of the internal and external. Some people say that the inner world determines the outer reality. Others say that external causes on domestic. And those and others are right. The chicken cannot exist without the egg and Vice versa.

Cause and effect are not linear and consistent. They occur at the same time. By their nature, they have a circular motion. Not only the cause determines the effect, but the effect determines the cause.

The answer to the question "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" can be – no time, time both. The chicken and the egg creations are at the same time. All the questions like times/times need to reply the same way – otherwise the answer is false.

The Supreme reality cannot be comprehended in the framework of double. It includes an inner world, subjective, along with the reality external, objective, and their interaction with each other, cancer. All opposites are contained within them. The Supreme reality is the creation of a common, humility, duty and love total, all-encompassing. There is something to be separate from it. Even when the trees uprooted by the roots and washed away into the valley with a stream, it's not a tragedy, for there is no difference between a tree and a stream.

In contrast to the flow of Reality is Resistance, which gives rise to various conditions. Awards in this category, comparison, judgment comes into play, and the course, of course, interrupted. The nature of ultimate Reality is to say "Yes". It has an abundance of natural and enthusiastic, of course. Wants to take everything with her. Is happiness personified, because it considers everything and everyone as she is.

Resistance always says "No". By its nature, brings conflict and struggles. Oppose any and thus it is a misfortune personifizierte. Where there is no resistance, no, unfortunately. Misfortune always against the resistance of certain conditions. It is being built on some interpretation of " for " or "against." The root of unhappiness is attachment.

Not asking you to let go of all your attachments. This, my friend, is the goal realistic. I ask only that you become consciously from investing your, presenting your interpretations of your pros and cons. I'm only asking to see how you made that your happiness has to be determined. If you want to understand, looking at the tree moving in the wind. This is the best metaphor you can find. The tree has deep roots and sprawling branches. Down this steadfast, and flexible. Is a symbol of strength and humility.
You can develop the same strength of character by going you flexible times all the situations in your life. Sit up straight and be rooted in the moment. Know needs, but admits that they must be satisfied, as he knows life better. Not to insist that your needs are satisfied in a certain way, because, if you insist, you will oppose resistance is futile. The trunk of the tree, it breaks down when trying to speak against the wind.

At the same time move with the wind!
Your life is a dance! It is neither bad nor good. It is a movement, a continuum.
Your choice is very simple: if you can dance or not. Deciding to not dance will get you out on the dance floor. The dance will continue around. The dance will continue and you part of it.
There is a simple dignity in that. I suggest that you enjoyed the clean state of grace to be alive. If you're looking for in life meaning a higher level, you will be disappointed. For dancing, is not make any sense.

All conditions are open in a direction. Be simple, open and present, and to fall into the hands of God. But resist you even for a minute – and you will be caught in the complication without meaning, caused by himself. Human beings cannot be independent from reality, conventionally, because the reality is this is due to the creation of the mg man.

Stop trying to get rid of your own creations. Take them just as a tree supports a wind. Your advantage, is to become fully human and fully respond to your own needs and the needs of others. Compassion comes not through the removal of the entire palette of emotional experience, but also through participation in plenary to her.

Some said that the world is a place of pain. This is absurd. This world is neither joy nor pain, although you can say that it is both. This world is a place where is born the body emotionally and mentally. Physical birth and death easier, just, the development of conscious thinking/feeling responsible for your creations. It is absurd to deny the importance of the birth process. And it's just absurd. There is no person who would not take this path of birth, without to live the experience of joy and how much pain. Are both needed? Absolutely! Without pain, the mother cannot take the child from her. And not the joy of life newly born, the pain will have no meaning. But does not say "pain" or "joy". Don't strive to make your experience what it is not. Follow the interpretation that you could determine to accept only part of the spectrum of life.

My experience here was no different from yours. I have not overcome the pain. I left it in his will.
I have not overcome death. I stepped through it voluntarily.
I don't your body and I have condemned.
I walked into the dance of life the same as you, as you grow to understand and accept, how to love, conditional to life and love without conditions. There is nothing that you feel or have you lived as an experience that would not have tried, and I. I know every desire and every fear, because I lived through all. And my release they did not come through any of the commandments.

You see, I'm not a dancer better than you. I suggest, just a willingness to participate and learn, and that's all you the sky. Participate! Achieve and leaves you touched! Feels everything! Open your arms to life and let your heart be accomplished! So you're here!

When the heart opens, it is full of love. And her ability to give and receive more than relying on anything from outside. BA gives, not to think about reward, because Yes, it's the greatest gift. And gets – not only for themselves but so that others could live the experience of the gift.

The laws of this world not just for the man or woman whose heart is open. It happens, miracles, not through special events, but only as an extension of love itself. Miracles do not come from thinking in a linear, sequential. They can't be scheduled. You can't learn to do them or to get them. Miracles come spontaneously to the heart that was opened, and mind, who gave up the need to control, or know. For the Mind of God is innocent. It you can not deny is necessary, as you are part of it. She doesn't know how separately. One of the parents, looking at his only child. She looks up with steadfast love and tenderness. "Reach out and receives these gifts," She invites. But you don't give to listen to call Her. In your frustration, not to hear the Divine Voice, which you scheme. Looking around at the conditions of your life, and finding them only defects, you don't know what you - the unconditional Love of God. And yet, no matter how far you feel you're God, you don't than thoughts from a distance.

Even now, you're either happy or find fault with circumstances in your life. Let me give you the opportunity to be in your thoughts and asks: "am I, at this point, aware of the unconditional Love of God for me?" If the answer is "Yes!" you will feel the warmth of the Divine Presence in your heart. And if the answer is "No", your mind will make you remember this Presence and to attract. This simple practice could not fail. You see it for yourself! As soon as you learn to be open to the present moment, you will become more aware of the Divine Presence in the mind and your experience. The meaning of your staff will show itself in that expanded consciousness, helping you to understand how you can be the most beneficial for yourself and for others.

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Keep Dancing , Keep Steeming !