I do think that this is illustrative of the corruption and racism of the Alvin Bragg's office.

in daniel •  2 months ago 



Matthew Lee attempted to rob an 87-year-old man, and killed him in the process.

Yeah, under the law, that is, and should be, felony murder. Lee was willfully committing a felony, and he killed a man in the process.

But, Lee happened to be black. Because Lee is black, Dafna Yoran decided that he was really a bit of an Aladdin, and therefore he should be treated with kid gloves.

Lee set out to commit a crime with the willingness to harm a person in the process. Penny didn't set out to commit a crime. Nobody in his or her right mind is making that claim. But Penny is white, Jordan Neely was black. So, Bragg and Yoran is treating Penny as a worse person than the actual thug and murderer.

We all know that, if the jury does the right thing, and acquittes Penny, that BLM will burn the city to the ground. So far as I'm concerned, so be it. An innocent man would go free, and the "blue, no matter who" people get what they voted for.

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