Where to hell did they come from? What do they really want? I don't believe for a minute it is about money. Especially when they are demanding "bitcoin". Think about it.
Bitcoin is ten years old this month. Where did bitcoin come from? It came from some guy in Japan who got backing from someone and created bitcoin. If you don't think Rothschild family wasn't involved, then you are delusional. They have been involved from day one. They have found doing things from the background is easier. You let your front guys take the heat if things fall apart. You walk away scott free.
They claim to have top-secret documents related to who really did 9/11. Enough! I am so sick of this day being used to justify everything from giving up rights to trying to "unify" us as a country. The goal was to divide us, not to unify us. We need to ask what do they really know? How did they get these "documents", if they exist? Now I sound skeptical. Understand I, like a lot of people who were alive when this dastardly deed was done, have watched us go to war with the battle cry of you are either with us or you are against us. That was the dividing key.
They always have a dividing key. Rather it's democrat or republican. Or if you are on the left or the right. So I say this, if you have these documents, release them. Help people see who was really behind this awful day. And this way we can officially put the bastards to the earth so they can't do it again. Otherwise, shut up and go away.