My side of the story

in darklamprey •  2 years ago  (edited)

I have looked this over and I would like to tell you my side of it. If you notice first that he mentions it started with fan art in 2014. This was just me being a fan and not meaning any harm. However, he began foaming at the mouth when he saw this.

I tried making my own versions of that character, but I admit they were too similar. I didn't think too much back in 2020. But I also noticed that he said I "played the victim card." I wasn't playing anything. I WAS the victim of a piece of hate art. My only crime was being a fan. Things didn't go well when I tried to negotiate with him. I was hoping to come to a truce by him unblocking me and me removing what I said about him. However, he turned around and said he was gonna keep me blocked, so in truth, there wasn't really any truce made in August 2022. And I haven't stole from him neither as he claims. Would a thief leave credit to the original author. And as for the Carving Pumpkins pic, that was made during my time of grief between 2020 and 2022. I didn't mean no harm and I still don't. However, he's claiming I am lying to people. But I also am 100% serious when I say I'm sorry for things that have happened between us. He tells me I'm not sorry, but I am. I also block people (even though I despise block systems) who verbally assault me because I want to be free of harassment.

As for stalking/harassing, It's true I often visit his art and social media accounts, but for 99.9% of the time I leave him completely alone and when I do post about him, I'm just stating my opinion in an indirect way, never meaning to attack him in any way. And if you look at my testimony, I haven't really been rude to him face-to-face. Hell, I've even said God bless many times. But he doesn't seem very nice, nonetheless. Can I help it if I just want people to be nice to one another?

I have been an honest person my entire life. I HATE and I repeat HATE the thought of people lying to one another. Unlike them, I follow commandment number nine, "Thou shalt not lie." I also may not be perfect and have foul-ups often in behavior and other areas, but the thing you have to remember is that I also believe in the golden rule. If I tell you something, especially to you my fans whom I've never met but would love to, I'm holding nothing back because I'm terrified of bad karma.

I know him and his friends will tell lies about me and I don't blame them. Evil hates good. But I will always be honest with you. I have on multiple occasions admitted my faults whereas a regular person would deny them. I try my best to tell people I have the purest of intentions. I also make everything I create under the creative commons license, which means all of it is free to use with credit given. Reizinho told me that people who criticize and try to slander me will actually make people gravitate towards me after they see my true personality. That gives me hope.

I hope I have helped you guys. I love all of you, every single one. God bless! †

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