Computers obviously were much better before then they are today! ;)

in database •  7 years ago  (edited)

Back in 1984, sending an "e-mail" was super-easy, and if you wanted to print it out that was even easier. Life sure has become more complicated over the years with all these tons of migs and megs cluttering up all kinds of systems across the world, so it sure was refreshing to stumble upon this peace of jewelry on the Interwebs this morning. Enjoy :)

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Oh thats interesting to watch they first connect a telephone with pc and then dial some number , ask password, their you go in world of internet. Really pretty simple . Thanks @fyrstikken for sharing that, because most of us here think internet comes after 1990

This goes back before I even started using computers and I'm pretty old. I grew up as a Cobol programmer in the 80's.

Reminds me of:

Exactly, I work at a digital marketing agency and we actually use print marketing just because there is so much noise with email nowadays,

So true!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Roles reversed!

Back in the days you had that excitement from using a computer, not to say you had to go to the local computer coffee shop to use one. The good old days :).
Well time changes and we change with it.
Much love.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@fyrstikken I love that video! It´s so true.

At the age of 8 I blew up my grandmothers TV with my Sinclair ZX81 computer playing 1K Chess until 1am! She was very ill tempered afterwards!! Steem on! fyrs!

That was my first "computer", costed back then something like half a month's paychecque, and you could not even fill the TV screen, because that 1K could not hold that many pixels :-)

Ha ha! The brainless 1K computer! The TV must have laughed at its puny effort :)

Things are made with a limited life span these days and are ever more complicated. Corporations relies on us to buy their new products every 2 years or so to keep the profit rolling in. It is planned obsolescence.


Hello. Great article.

Have you ever heard about one of the first IBM that repaired its self? They pulled it from the market ASAP. In fact, only two executives knew about ti until a freaky youtube came out with a time traveler named John Titor.

Check it out because this is what made people investigate. It was all true about this IBM. Johns story may - or - may not be true.



Boy, I sure do miss the old days! Click clacking away on my Commodore 64, I was master of the world. There was that memorable day I upgraded my modems from 300 to 1200 baud, it was like going to full speed on the Enterprise. "Warp speed Mr. Sulu!"

And email, I don't read it much these days. It's mostly junk. Now, it's more like in your cartoon; the raw feeling of animal excitement as my heart rate accelerates at seeing a snail mail in my mailbox. Savoring that visceral experience of tearing off the flap of the envelope and revealing the mysteries of its contents. It's like ripping off the bodice of a woman and having great sex.

Thanks so much, @fyrstikken, for bringing back such wonderful memories of those glorious, halcyon days of computer bliss.

I remember going to a computer show where they were selling one of those BBC Micro B with with twin 800 Kilobyte drives (yes not megabyte) for £3000 !

Top marks! Excellent animated GIF @fproductions! :)

I love this old computerdocumentaries. It makes me really nostalgic. Also great that you picked 1984 ;)

The good old days, I almost regret this time. Thank you for the nostalgia, spend a pleasant day

I need to try to remember to show this to the sprogs in the morning XD

In the meantime I kind of got stuck on the password looking like it was 12345 XP

He call it extremely simple to use, Lol... how do you call our computer sitting in our pocket? smartphones? extremely super duper hyperactive outstanding simple! hahah resteem this post!

ahahha you are funny dude!!! Would like to use some computer of the "black projects" ;P

So true - your a legend my friend.

SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! This is the finest thing I have seen today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

@fyrstikken this rules thanks for the like!

Hi, @fyrstikken!
Will you return to the Voice? I feel not good without you...

I started using them when having a 1.44 MB floppy disk was the biggest thing ever in the 90s.

Say hello to my friend.
Dell Alienware M18x R2

i have it to

I do not think ;-/. that it is right

fyrstikken follow me and upvote mt posts

The first time I saw and used computer in 1986. It was a big professional computer whick took 2/3 room with perfocards and perforibbons for input/output.

it was a monster of USSR computer industry, but it could take integrals without any additional code or procedures: user just needed to put an integral sign before formula and it could calculate these automatically

It was MIR-2

Turning your computer in the 80's wasn't so easy, you'd get the black DOS screen, and you had papers to remember how to run your programs and where your files were.

DOS had a command named help and one was free to use readme.doc and txt files to minimize use of papers.

If this was actually 1984, there would be a 2-way telescreen and I'm pretty sure that person would only be allowed to wear the overalls of the Party.

Cool. I didnt know computers/email existed until year 2004.

When I got my first private IP address, there was no World Wide Web yet, just mail and newsgroups and stuff, and almost nothing commercial. Seems very quiet and peaceful in retrospect.


s/wrong window!

I can't wait for a time when computers are not just for the youngsters!

Absolutely mind blowing to see how far technology has come but also how complicated it has gotten!

Nice post .Thanks for sharing
upvoted and followed !!

Very good story. The progress was fantastic.

brings back memories of dialup lol

I'm old enough and still remember the old modem screeching sounds like using the programs like downloading spectrum games or taking days to type them in and the outrageous charges for phone use. Tomorrows world which i think this program came from was great. I remember one old stuffy guy scolding some youngsters telling him computers are not for games.

Getting in on cryptocurrency is like getting in on computers when they were first being invented

@fyrstikken great post amigo hope your well lets chat later on steamspeak

i hear back then sending an email was a task in its self. I think it's easy sending an email now. I don't know from experience but that's what I heard

Intresting histroy A+

Haha it was even before I was born.

Agree with you. If we can only buy back yesterday. What can we say now it seems the future is hurrying us up all. Great reflection :)

THAT'S SO WEIRD. i saw that video the other day on youtube (suggested it to me) and now it's here. i remember being a uk kid watching all these BBC B users while i had a spectrum 48k thinking this was so kinda of futuristic thing - and now we have blockchain tech. come a long way baby...

hands up if your team #USROBOTICS33.6KMODEMS

LOL i saw this a couple of weeks before... The cool thing of that age, is the mystery that computers generated, it was something new and awesome, and most people knew nothing about it, it was like magical machine boxes... Nowadays general public have a basic knowledge about computers, and people simply don't get too impressed about them anymore...

Those were the days... haha

Yes, back in the good old days when you could get more work done during your page loading waits.

if only i was a kid of 80s :(

And I have been thinking that I was one of the early birds for computers.
Bought my first one in 1997. Over $3,600 dollars. (US) With screen and printer.
The changes since then, to me are just amazing. I would not have even dreamed. And I have to think, "the best is yet to come."

Thank you for the youtube history lesson. Great find.


Love your post
I'm your new follower
Best Regards Andrei

it is interesting to me
thanks a lot!

Very useful information. Keep posting the latest information ... I'm very happy if you want to resteem some of my articles ....

U r very ryt... Everything is becoming more complicated day by day.....

OH YES! I remember watching this on BBC! Was so hot back then. I guess we are all living the dream now, aren't we...

This shocks me :0

I remember the lengthy dial up process all too well. I had time to go and make a cup of tea while a page was loading. thanks for sharing.

I see now who taught the audience how to pick password: it seems his was 1234!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ughh that printer!!! How many times have I had to realign that stupid thing because the paper was slightly off center? I love the early internet before AOL even and before we had Search Engines like we do now. You would just find out about websites through chatrooms and word of mouth and everyone would have to type in http://www.*********.com. God forbid if you forget the http://www. You are going no where fast (relatively speaking going no where always happens fast doesnt it? Even on a 33Mhz processor haha.)

Edit the post please because it's Computers were, and not was.

I was but yet a twinkle in 1984, but this still made me snort. My parents were/are both nerds, so I grew up with ASCII art colouring books and getting to be the one to pull the edges off their printer paper.

By the time I could send an email, I had to unplug the phone in my bedroom to do it 😂 what frigging culture shock it must be for our grandparents who've seen an exponential increase in the complexity of technology.

It's really I want to go back to the past, the era where any secret it keeping savely. I am just imaging what we have done in the past.

Amazing. I didn't think email existed until the mid-90s.

Yes, things certainly are more complicated today. These computers have totally found a way (with their limited intelligence) to get in our heads. ppl leave the computer but the computer is still in their heads. Kinda creepy

1984 is the year of my birth, I was new to computers in 2002 when I was in college.

Omg, I prefer watching Vitalik talking about Ethereum ATM. ^^

1984, the year I was born. This must have been a photo of the email sent worldwide to announce my arrival! hahaha :)

It's really simple really. This video is pretty awesome. It looks surreal!

Nice post @fyrstikken...A leap and development of great computerized technology, if we used to know meain type, then we introduced computerized technology without operating system then introduced the first computer operating system that is Graphic User Interface, now we have been spoiled with windows, linux and macintos

Let this particular day be special for you. I do not even doubt that the day will be productive for you, because you are the most purposeful. I wish you a great day! Let everything be very cool!
I vote and follow you))

BEAUTIFUL. It's now time for new kind of loving computers. New kind of values. Museum, antic values. I remember of my old commodore 64, I loved it like he has personality. RIP.
Fantastic post.

Nice post .Thanks for sharing
upvoted and followed

Of course because computers always have new products and new technology ... a very useful post ...Thanks @fyrstikken

Excellent post :)

And they continue to get faster. I can't even keep up. I have to change computers almost every other year.

It deserve my vote up. Please follow me @yehey

Where did you get this computer @fyrstikken I have been looking all over town for it. I think I have to do it after work today. I worked 10 hours today and now im finally off. You know how traffic is in this town might take 2 hours to get home but i need to get this computer. Was there a line at the store? Hold on i need to talk to my bank first to get the money for it. Ok got the money! Goes to the first store. There is a line waiting for it. I am almost to the front. Ok never mind i will go to the next store its no problem. Its closed. Now another. This time they dont even sell this computer. Oh well ill go to another one. I got one! Time to go home. 2 hours later. Tries to turn on. This is my time to finally send an email. Shuts off. What the fuck your telling me i spent a few hours trying to get this computer and this piece of shit doesnt work? Oh fine ill go back and ecchange it. 4 hours later turns on. Now how do you get email to set up again on here?

The sad thing is... I REMEMBER those days with my 300-baud modem like it was only yesterday! (Sigh...) Spend more time now trying to secure a new IP addy on my WiFi with Spectrum now than it took to send a letter!

Really complicated and fast era.....
Now and before many year ago
What the difference:
download (16).jpg

nice one fyrstikken

I love that video!! Saw it twice! She was so brave.

True, in fact we would be confronting with quantum computing sooner than later. So fingers crossed 👍

Since you mention golos in your profile description is there a post you can link to that will help me to get an account and buy some Golos or can I do that through an exchange? But I really want an account that I can Power Up like Steemit. I think Golos is going to be a great investment for non-Russo people like me.

Thanks for sharing of this unique video!

Haha funny. Imagine what people will be saying in another 30 odd years.

Wow The advanced technology is steady....
FOLLOW ME @faisalnago

Historic photos

Its crazy how fast technology and the internet has evolved. I still remember dialing up to the internet with a 33k modem, and how happy I was when my dad brought home a 56k modem.

I also remember the frustration when my mum picked up the telephone and cut me off the internet, when she needed to use the phone line.

great post :)

follow me @sitimunawarah and see my conten:)

excellent sharing, following you mate :-)

Very interesting!

OMG! So simple :P OOO the screen is so fancy with the words! LOL

Well, according to Time-machine Ha....ha .. every day we are delving into emerging Tech-giants. More numbers of persons were noobs and the used internet in Low-end modems.

Bit out of this, have you ever thought about the predictions that they turned into reality which we are enjoying off?

Meanwhile, I shared a Hilarious Interview Where Isaac Asimov Predicted These Things, in around 1875, that turned into reality, in the 20s.

Please, check it out and share your thoughts.

Intresting post :) Mate

good post sir

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LOL... well good to see he is using the popular safe password 1234

Great information.. Upvoted and resteemed

I actually find the old computers a little boring to say the least, especially in 1984 not because i wasn't around back then lol but because they didn't have steemit :) !!

This can be seen with the saying "during my time" great post . Upvoted and already following !

Comodore 64 lol

Nice @fyrstikken upvoted thanks for sharing