Dating and The Law of Attraction

in dating •  9 years ago 

Not only can you attract the partner of your desires but you can also attract a specific person that you've been admiring with the use of the Law of Attraction.

I should know because I was able to attract a specific person, not once but twice. Both, were before I knew about the Law of Attraction.

But, once I learned about the Law of Attraction and that we were able to deliberately create. I knew exactly how I did it.

The first time that I decided to attract a specific person was in high school. I had a crush on this guy and I decided that I wanted to be his girlfriend. So, I started to visualize us together; then as I let it go, the universe brought us together.

The second time that I attracted a specific person was in college. I was attracted to this guy that I saw on campus which I only saw a few times. I really and truly didn’t think there was anyway that we would get together because we didn't run in the same circle.

But, again I stated that I was going to be with him and I visualized us together and the next thing I knew, as I was sitting on the stairs of my building minding my own business. I saw him driving by; he then stopped and got out of his car and walked up to me. We talked for a while and then he asked for my number. I was truly surprised and we dated for a for a while after that.

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