Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Robert J. Sawyer, David Swanson, Janine Bandcroft March 1st, 2017

in davidswanson •  7 years ago 


Just because you can’t believe something doesn’t make it fiction. You may wish Donald Trump was never elected, and be clinging to the desperate notion the last forty two days are just a prolonged bad dream; rub your eyes, pinch your arm, and give your head a shake now, because this in no nightmare, it is real life, and it’s just the beginning!

But how, you may ask, did this unforeseen, unforeseeable turn of events come to pass? How!?

Well, perhaps you weren’t paying attention. Perhaps you just failed to notice the inexorable, determined disintegration of Western civilization. Sliding a bit with every delusional press release; inching nearer the abyss one drone strike at a time.

If it makes you feel any better, not everyone was surprised.

Robert J. Sawyer makes a living inventing fantastic stories. The Canadian science fiction superstar is one of only eight writers to have bagged Sci-fi’s triple crown, winning each of the Hugo, Nebula, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Awards for best novel.

Described as the “Dean of Canadian science fiction,” Sawyer is also recipient of the first-ever Humanism in the Arts Award from Humanist Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Governor General of Canada, the Hal Clement Award for Best Young Adult Novel of the Year, and a Lifetime Achievement Aurora Award from the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association.

Sawyer’s 23 novels have featured regularly at the top of Canadian best-sellers lists and he was named by publishing trade journal Quill & Quire, one of “the thirty most influential, innovative, and just plain powerful people in Canadian publishing.” Sawyer’s latest novel, ‘Quantum Night’ predicted the rise of a populist mad-man to America’s highest office; a feat in art nature determined to imitate.

Robert J. Sawyer in the first half.

And; my second guest asks, “Can Canada Get Out of the War Business?” Probably not as long as Canadians entertain the comfortable collective notion of themselves as meek and mild do-gooders on the global stage; the nation everyone wants most to both be like, and have as a best friend. The truth is a little darker than a northern winter, and it’s past time to spotlight the real role we play in the World.

David Swanson is a peace and political justice activist, journalist, radio host, and author whose book titles include: ‘War No More: The Case for Abolition,’ ‘When the World Outlawed War,’ ‘War Is a Lie,’ and ‘The Military Industrial Complex at 50’ among others. He’s a past Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, director of WorldBeyondWar.org, campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org, and blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. David also hosts Talk Nation Radio.

David Swanson and endin’ Canada’s wicked, warrin’ ways in the second half.

And; CFUV Radio broadcaster, Janine Bandcroft, and/or horticulturalist extraordinaire, Christina Nikolic will be here at the bottom of the hour with the Left Coast Newsletter, bringing us up to speed with some of what’s good going on in and around our town in the coming week. But first, stepping into a Trump twilight zone with Robert J. Sawyer and a Quantum Night.

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