Mother Nature Shows Her Terrifyingly Beautiful Display Of Lightning.

in dcommunity •  6 years ago 

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Mother Nature Shows Her Terrifyingly Beautiful Display Of Lightning.

A spectacular display of the power all around us that reminds me that we are just a small Ant in the grass.

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Lightning Facts.

Light travels at 670,000.000mph, a lightning strike travels at 270,000mph.

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It would take 55 mins for lightning to travel to the moon.

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When Lightning hits a beach it fuses the grains of sand together and creates a glass tube called Fulgurite.

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The place that has been hit by Lightning the most is Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

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Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela has thunderstorms that happen 140 / 160 nights per year.

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Around the World, there are more than 3,000,000 Lightning Flashes per day.

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The average length a Lightning bolt is around 2 / 3 miles long.

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When we look up at Lightning in the sky it looks to be thick strikes but the lightning is an average of 2 - 3 cm wide.

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The heat that travels through the lightning is 5 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. 30,000 oC

Thank you...

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Lightning is just amazing. My husband can be found standing at the window squealing with excitement every time there's a lightning storm

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol sounds like me lol Us men act all tough but we are not really as you no :0) lol Thank you