That photo thou from your post, one of the usual wet and stormy uk mornings as per usual, it’s quite the opposite this morning and I’m loving it - it’s bright and brisk, just how I like the mornings to be, that type of wake up weather I particularly love — even thou I had my Fitbit on and it’s working it’s not syncing yet, maybe it’s gotta get a bunch more data together first to be able to tell me how I slept last night.
Great you got the TapTap site sorted, that’s awesome, great job — little by little, step by step, one foot in front of the other and all that. I’ve got a happy feeling knowing that poppet is heading to school today and will be back with all her class mates, I’m sure she will be a bit overwhelmed at first but then slip straight into everything.
Yeah you mentioned just pushing through, I think when you want something enough you’ll move mountains to do that, I’m pleased about the new clients and the work that they are bringing in and it just makes things a little easier across the board, I’d like to have a bunch more of course but this is gonna do for now.
As for ‘worrying’ about past and future — no point, I mean really when you drill down, it’s the moment you are sitting in right now that has the most real power, because its the moment when you can change any direction you choose to take, you can just point ya mind and body in one direction and head for it to see what lives at the other end.
My sleep was pretty much junk last night but that’s ok, my backup systems are online and I’m ready to go, I’m feeling this new energy shift is gonna be great for the rest of the month, tie up a lot of loose ends this month and then into october prepping the supplies and clothing and backup plans for a lovely mellow november, I’d like to have some december plans locked in too.
looking forward to having our hour today on the old mics as well, that should be fun as per usual, I do enjoy our digital chats and we have some saul to catch up on! :)
well, nothing much else to say really this morning, just straight back into the order of the day, wanna get into some stuff before I run out and get a new inhaler and breakfast — speak to you when you wake from slumber land! :)
I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,
Da Mouser,