The weather was chilly as usual. Some few clouds shrouded the mild rays of the morning sun and birds filled the air with diverse music.
A soft breeze blowing up from the steeps of the largest urban slum in Africa hit my numb face for the few times my head looked up. It flirted with the two flags mounted on the gate of the largest women correctional institution in my end of the world.
I still couldn't believe I was there...
Mr Peter, my colleague and a good friend, was in the OIC's office sweet talking her into letting him throw away a Christmas party for the girls.
At that time I was seated outside in the visitors bay as women dressed in striped smocks passed in groups wearing unamused faces and I was reminded why I go there.
Hand-picked for hard labour, farming and animal husbandry, which usually goes with petty crimes offenders, I understood the feeling they might have harboured of wanting to choke the group behind them clad in jungle green barking orders read disarming unnecessary threats to death.
Mr Peter came back after a while with some 'good' news from the Officer In Charge of the prison as he was allowed to host that Christmas party and we went in for our usual class.
The faces of those who had heard me say I would probably stop going for classes due to what happened, lit up as they lined up to hug me. They radiated the same gratitude animating their tongues. The love was overwhelming but what transpired right after was even more beautifully unsettling.
They hammered me to share my feelings and with endless questions on how they could help. Went ahead to critique the source of the rumour with unbelievable passion. I was gobsmacked as I didn't expect it. Never thought I inspired them that much.
That entire episode gave me strength. It felt like a pat on the back for agreeing to end that internal debate of whether I should go to class this morning by going. I had promised myself that if it didn't feel right going through those gates I'd go back but I am so glad I didn't.
The poetry circle session as we call it, made sure I didn't regret my going. I was swimming in glory as we discussed three amazing poems from the poets in my class. It's an honour to learn from them not the other way round!
Here is to more strength... Cheers!
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