One thing covid brings to the surface for clearing/release/integration is the human fear of death., and now we have the 'time' to go within and deal with it. I've told you that you are NOT your mind or your body, but in death you discover the TrueSelf - who you really are. But you can know yourSelf whilst still in the physical body which is exactly what we are being asked to do now. Eckhart Tolle addresses this very subject. When you become Consciously One with yourSelf/Soul/IAMPresence, you're in 5D and have no more human fears.
“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” and find that there is no death.” For Eckhart, the only 'real' death is never knowing who you really are, never understanding your true 'being'. When you have a true sense of self, this can never die."
Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of True Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.
Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.
Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:
Loving others in their own chosen path
is setting the energy you want in your world.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
May 3, 2020