in death •  8 years ago 

## _*what happen after death?*_

_*Religion offer a variety of answers,some seemingly credible and some beyond belief*_

YET! for all our efforts,hopes and wishes,death is the one thing in life that remains certain,whether thruogh  _*old age, illness,accident or violence*_ ,whether we are rich,poor,male or female no matter if we're good or bad, *all of us* regardless of race or creed - _eventually face death._

_*Scientist*_ cannot tell  _us_ what happen after death.

Too many aspect of life itself are intangible -too elusive to _measure and record_ _*Philosophers*_ disagree in death and the _afterlife._

So many of traditional _*christian*_ belief that our soul live on a place or CONDITION of _*heaven or hell.*_

But some _*people and church*_ belief in the _transmigiration or reinscarnation_ of soul of dead and still other believe's that _dead will never live again._  _*that this life, is all there is.*_

* what really happen to death?.

*why do we e

ven have to die?

*can we actually know whether there is life _beyond_ the grave?.

### _believable answer?._

"Let now take a look at what _God our creator_, say about life and death,in  _HIS_ inspired _word_.The _*BIBLE*_.(bring your own bible.)

The book of _*Daniel*_ refers to the _state of dead._In an inspiring _*Prophecy*_. _"And many of these,who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,some to shame and everlasting contempt"(Daniel 12:12).It offer to promise of the after life after Death - not by people living on a part from their bodies.

After death but through a _"ressurrection from death"_ that will take a place in the future.some will receive immortality then some will _not_.

So clearly we are not _immortal_soul at present,more over the passage compares death to  _sleep_. And explains the resurrection as waking up from the sleep.

Sleep connotes _unconsciousness_ and the Bible draws the same anology in the other place.How could people who have died be sleep in their graves.

Profoundly unconsciousness -as _*revealed*_ in the _*Bible*_ -yet,be residing _blissfully_ in heaven and looking down at us on earth _(or,presumably,suffering in hell and looking up)?._

Solomon note that the dead have no awareness,nor are they in the some other state of _consciousness_. _"for the living know that they will die: but dead know nothing, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the_ _* grave*_ _where you are going_. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10).

The person who has died in unconscious and unaware of the passing of time.

### _*life is Transitory*_

_"Comes forth like a flower and fades awy: he flees like a shadow and done not continue"_ (Job 14:2). "Since his days are determined the number of his months is with you: you have appointed his limit. So that he cannot pass (verse 5).

So man lies down and does not rise _"till the heavens are no more,they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep"_ (verse 12).

Another info. If you noticed that in (Genisis 2:17 _God told adan and eve that dis-obeying HIM by taking from the tree of the _knowledge of good and evil_ would lead to death.)

Then in (Genisis 3:4. Serpeant _*"satan"*_  _told eve that if she ate from the tree,she would_  _*("not surely die")*_  _*simly put,*_ God said that the man is _mortal and subject to death._

Satan contradicted God and said that man would not die _*that man is immortal*_.

Isn't it amazing that,as evidenced by the pervassive belief in _immortality_ of the soul, more people _accept Satan's_ teaching than _*God's*_?. Yet maybe that not so starting after all.

_*They are many more*_

Thank you for reading my post,wish  you like it,and many and many that i post. Soon..

Also you like my post soon.

#### _*the master plan of god: after death*_

#### _*the four riding man in horse in Revelation. And the truth about the man of the white horse."our GOD or NOT?"*_


"comes forth li

Solomon noted that the dead have no awareness,nor are they some other state of consciousness. _"for the living know nothing,for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going."_ (Ecclesiastes 9:15,10), the person who has died in unciousness and unaware of the passing of time

"comes forth like a flower

_"comes forth like a flower


* what really happen at deat

* what really happen at deat

* what really happen at death?

* what really happen at death?






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