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If it was different I would have known

My hamster also knows that

PRO: I think this is valid because of argument 1

Great point, but did you take this into account?

where did you get this data?

PRO: I have studied this deeply and I can confirm because ...

PRO: I believe, because of this thing 3 that it is so

I like this discussion! I have talked about it a lot with friends and these other perspectives really changed my mind.

CON: this is false on so many levels:

Can you show some levels?

I think this is true because it has always been like that

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This indeed true because I saw it in a dream once

many studies have confirmed that

if it is true, why does this happen?

That is totally unrelated

That is not a good way of thinking

I have a reference here ... That talks about why that happens

I have seen this, so it must be different

I saw it as well! I believe it is a general trend

Your observations do not represent general trends

Did you also note it down or is it just an observation?

Very relevant topic!

I'm glad this gets addressed, we discuss about this at almost each family reunion

This is false on so many levels