Credit loan debt enslavement

in debt •  last year 

If you’ve ever been to a casino, you’ll notice that the staff is eager to get you drunk

You can usually receive free drink as long as you keep paying the staff

Casinos use monitoring technology to make sure you lose your money as quickly as possible

They identify the odds and probability of your success, and try and cook you into making the least advantageous move at a critical moment

If you’ve ever stood to receive an inheritance, you might notice that you get a credit card application that’s preapproved in the mail either the day you turned 18 or just before especially if you use Facebook

After you receive a credit card application in the mail

Casino grade monitoring technology gets deployed to make sure you can never pay the debt back using the same sophisticated methods. Casinos used to make sure they don’t lose money.

Some of these methods include introducing friends, who will talk you into taking drugs with them

Making sure your guest tank is empty or making sure you have to spend with little money you have on food instead of some business venture that could make your profit

Have you ever received an unsolicited credit card offer in the mail?

I have…

You’ve been deemed reject financially you can be legally enslaved, as an outcast, and robbed incessantly

The families that conduct these heinous acts of violence, don’t want your children competing with them in the same territories that their families operate their businesses

They would rather have you be slave to them, either financially, or on the basis, that you committed a crime, like taking an illicit substance

If you ever been invited on the weekends to go to a party where everybody is getting drunk or taking drugs together

It’s not completely obvious, but a lot of the participants are secretly undercover agents, monitoring the other participants in an attempt and agenda to have you caught for crimes and labeled as a social outcast to be robbed more easily by others

In the future you will be robbed, and your kids can be robbed because you’ve been deemed a reject to socially outcast and criminal

The cardholder agreements never specify these terms, but we’ve done extensive analysis, and it’s almost always seems to be the case, especially if you’re air to a fortune and stand to receiving inheritance after you turn 18

Most of the people on the planet stand to receive in her inheritance because of their forefathers before them, and their father’s fathers before them

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