
in deeluvli •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've always had a job a.k.a. worked for someone else from the time I was 14 to 21. I had been reading about the illuminati from a child hood age so I understood clearly how the pyramid worked. Working for someone else was a waste of time and I became my own boss. I started a very successful small company on eBay. IMG_0543.JPG

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what do you sell on ebay?



You are no more a slave! Party hard!

Fact 👍🏽

thats great! I always like to hear from sucessfull people. thanks for sharing.

Any advice?

With eBay?

Yes :)

Old news... wouldn't even log in 👽

Oh ic


Great story.

I was up to 500 listings at one point. About 2 years ago though my listings started disappearing on me. I keep all listed items on specific shelves and realized I had way more on my shelves then I had items on ebay. When dealing with so many listings tracking down listing numbers and dates etc was just to overwhelming on top of working daily as an electrician. I currently have about 78 listings w/
Sold (last 60 days)
Listed 24
Sold 114
Amount $2,336.46
minus fees and initial purchase of products its easily $1,800.00
Ebay name is chuksteak
I've recently (last 2 Months) been trying out OpenBazaar with no sales to date. Store name is Chucksteak