Are There Any Heros Out There?

in deep-state •  7 years ago 

It takes a hero

to examine assumptions of accepted, unconsciously assimilated paradigms.

And to adopt a revised working hypothesis,

where warranted, for the way our world works.
One which bears perhaps..........

just a little more resemblance to what is actually going on.


Below is a message from a Canadian Minister of Defense

to Americans, and to all people of good will everywhere,
who have the heart to face very paradigm shaking ideas.

Please watch and listen deeply to his message:

Disturbing Message To All Americans From Ex-Defense Minister of Canada - TM [MIRRORED]

Do you have the courage?

Over and out,

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I'm glad that he is able to tell other that money created by the banking industry does not really exist. The industry creates it purely out of thin air and this system based on debt benefits no one expects for the banks and that is why they are so inclined to holding on to it rather than moving to something more distributed and equal such as bitcoin.

His talk reminds me of this talk a Muslim Imam did once where a Western Government can last for thousands of years but a country under Islam rule may only last a few decades. I agree with him how we should allow Islamic countries to fix their own problems rather than intervening, creating those who scorn and detest the west and have a life long pledge to defeat it.

Countries like Libya being left in disarray and carnage as The US comes to 'liberate it' with their bombs but it seems like the cabal would rather want power than peace and justice.

It seems like we are always trying to divide each other by looking at creed, race and religion rather than looking at the fact that we are all humans and we should learn to bind and work against these higher authorities rather than being farmed like cattle @onceuponatime

The central bankers' fiat fraud system is based on welfare/warfare and is stripping humans of their humanity. (Well past) time to secede from their paradigm that we unconsciously assimilated.

It disgusts me what the mentality of the elites are like. So barbaric and careless but it doesn't bother them as we mindlessly follow, letting the flames grow stronger while we think nations are 'helping' each other. Everything is for monetary gain

You wonder why the US keeps going back to Afghanistan. I think it is just a fad to suck the country dry of its natural resources and they have no care in the world if people die.

There was an interesting story from WW2; when Churchill made the decision to divert a grain shipment on it's way to Manchester, sending it to a more southerly port in order to feed people who were working at a military factory near London. It was deemed that the needs of the many (ie winning the war) was more important than the needs of the few (starving Mancunians). It made me wonder about how moral rules apply differently at varying scales of power. I'm sure some of the elites are nefarious, but most of the ones i've met are simply naive, doing what they think is best. Really, they are more akin to children than barbarians. I honestly believe that as soon as we infantalise them on an inter-personal level (rather than treat them as evil overlords), then we will win.

I think that Afghanistan is largely also about who controls the trillion dollar heroin trade. Nothing new. It was the East India Company which got the European powers into the Opium Wars against China (which, naturally enough, wanted to stop the massive effort to addict its population to the drug so that the British wouldn't have to give them silver for their tea)

If it wasnt for Winston Churchill, you'd be a Nazi speaking German today.

Sometimes leadership requires hard decisions. Not every decision can be structured as win-win.

Sometimes the only possible outcome from a decision is win-lose.

I remember something like that from the military. It was an exercise about a bomb shelter. You were given a list of people and you had to choose the one that would be left out. There were old people, rich, poor, skilled, unskilled, clergy, doctors, soldiers, pregnant women, children and the like.
The only wrong answer was to say you couldn't choose.

How is that relevant, even if true, to my comment?

Because your views are ultimately nihilistic.

You're not trying to be constructive, just shitting on the status quo.

We could all live in Utopia and you'd complain.

But I don't blame you, I like to shit on things too.

Which view(s) are you referring to? Perhaps you are projecting?

Yep the bankers own our politicians (which prohibited the government from working for the people).

I'm very hopeful that blockchain technology is going to allow us the opportunity to do just that. Creating our own blockchains is within our grasp now, and localization will only increase.

I want to take this time to bring something to your attention as well. I work with the Minnow Support Project, and I run a witness node to support it. I've been going through the witness list and cross-referencing witnesses that aren't active with people voting for them. I've noticed that you're still voting for @steve-walschot, @enki, and @dantheman. They're currently down and no longer planning on operating their witness. Would you please consider voting my witness instead? At the moment, I'm involved in the Fiction Workshop, work to curate content for @muxxybot, and also host the Fictioneer's webcast on MSP's Discord.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I apologize for just dropping this in the comment thread. A lot of us (witnesses, that is) have been making a concerted effort to bring attention to votes going to dead witnesses. :)

The money created by banks doesn't exist because it's created out of thin air, but the money created by Bitcoin mining is real?


I'd like to work with you against these authorities. Perhaps this is the wrong place to strategise, but, roughly how do you suggest we do it? I figure privacy is important because if they are as powerful as i imagine them to be then all communications sent on Intel machines through ISPs are compromised. Do you know of a secure method of communication?

I think that the Internet was created with the idea of decentralisation. Multiple nodes which are interconnected to make this great network of machines but of course there was a way to centralise it.
Maybe with the rise of the blockchain we won't have to worry about that

How will Blockchain solve the privacy issue if the hardware it runs on is created by companies under state (& therefore financial elite) control?

If you're looking for privacy on a blockchain, you're looking in the wrong place. The blockchain's most attractive feature is its transparency.

You would think most would know full well by now that fiat has had no real value since it left the gold standard.

Shocking that 9/11 was known in advance and they did nothing. I always knew there was something sinister in how those buildings fell. What a shame invoking NATO against innocent Iraq lying to us about WMD. I agree that muslims should be given the chance to solve their problems without the US batting in. The Israeli / Palestinian problem can only be solved by the younger generation, it is the older adults who poison the young kids by reminding them about the past and teaching them hate.If they would preach peace and reconciliation we would definitely see big change. I think this video was done when Obama was president but now Trump is in and ready to get rid of TPP. Lets see how that goes. As for the banking cartel or kabbal there is no way to get rid of it. Probably crypto currency and block chain will give us some freedom. Time will tell the extent of this freedom. The story of the UFO is something I have to see to believe, whether they exist or not am not sure.

If we start to use crypto more and more, the banking cartel will become more and more irrelevant. After all, it is OUR faith in their fraudulent money that keeps them in control.

Lets just hope the cartel will not use their power to try and restrict/control the crypto world. One thing that is certain is they cannot shut down the crypto world completely :)

They are using their power to try to start a world war to hide the causes of the inevitable currency collapse and to be in charge of the replacement system. Don't let them!

I came across lots of this information over the last many years but I was already dedicated to the solutions regardless.

I founded what is now one of the lowest carbon footprint operations in the world and I did it because I could tel over a decade ago that humanity was in great danger.

I could go on and on seemingly forever about the many problems with this world/humanity/money/technology etc etc. You are probably aware of many of them.

So summarize there are a lot of problems yet I focus on solutions. I have not only figured out ways to produce more food than I need for my self but to do it in a sustainable way and to share it with others for free.

I have figured out how to build houses that last for hundreds of years, are made of sustainable materials, require no cost in heating or cooling, are stronger more beautiful and CHEAPER than a standard suburban home.

I have figured out how to heal the body from almost every ailment known to man and have successfully facilitated this many times in natural, holistic and practically accessible ways!

There are solutions and I am living them regardless of if the world decides to or not. At least I can live my life happy and healthy and share it with those I love and feel at peace and fulfillment within my self each day.

Thanks for sharing this profound video. I hope it inspires people to step up and DO something.

We are the power∞§∞

I attended a seminar a few years ago by an Israeli economist who was raised on a kibbutz, probably with a similar footprint to yours. He said: "Its all fine and dandy - until you see the tanks coming over the hill."

In forty years of thinking about that sort of thing, I haven't come up with a solution. Have you? The Hopi, Zuni, and other peaceful south western tribes' solution was to build their villages on top of mesas. That doesn't work anymore.

Yes this is a very good point one of which I have discussed often as I know all to well about it. I posted an interview Ron Paul did with me on his show after my sustainable community was raided by a BLACK OPS SWAT TEAM.

I only see to likely solutions, either humanity awakens and has a consciousness revolution. This could work because if it wasn't just me or a few scattered kibbutz but the majority of humanity then it would be billions on a team working for true peace and harmony.

The other likely possibility is that a more advanced being (some might call them aliens, or angels) and says "listen, your destroying not only your selfs but the entire planet, we are going to give you this technology to live sustainably, be happy with it and don't misuse it or we will just wipe you off the face of the earth and be done with you." Then humanity is "saved"

The current state of affairs on this planet however is that the peaceful get ruled, dominated and controlled at gun point if necessary and humanity is to disempowered and complacent to really do anything but complain about it.

Regardless of if you or anyone agrees with me this is a topic we need to discuss and explore MUCH more. Because it is a very big deal.

Thanks for contributing to the evolution of consciousness∞§∞

A powerful message for us all! WOW!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this important and urgent message. Namaste :)

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

I am in!

I knew you were a warrior!

Hahahhaaaa!!!! Kind of !
I just gave you my last 50% Voting power left 😜 for such awesome feedback and comment !

See! I was right. You are a hero!

I just remembered this article I wrote a while back

@mammasitta I totally agree with you...holding out even when every reason to hope seems gone. There are far more heroes than meets the eye.

I had to chime in when I noticed that your 2.22...2 votes.



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A real hero, is not afraid of consequences, but he act's because he is willing to do that. If you agree or not. It's brave to step up. I am not native english so maybe my words are not that strong. But I love the man..
Not for all he says, but what he did to say it!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I support with your comment 👌
Very good material but long but Excelent
Thank you

There's a reason I don't really trust most governments due to the select politicians that hide most of the facts for major events or news that people would be interested in knowing/should know about. It's always about power and control and the world will always continue in a downward spiral if things don't change.

The place we all need to start the change is with ourselves. Examine the paradigms that we use to explain to ourselves the way the world works/reality unfolds and ask ourselves if we have unconsciously assimilated any of our beliefs from repetitive (and very clever) propaganda/education that keeps us compliant with an obviously sub optimal reaity.

Good point and a lot of people do need to change. These days tend to be about trends and following everything and everyone, no thoughts for themselves for a lot of things they do or say. I generally try to avoid a lot of mainstream trends and do things I know I will enjoy or because it is what I believe is a beneficial and not a fully government controlled/expected idea/task etc.

I know Paul from the Disclosure Project Press meeting from all those years ago and he's an avid speaker about UFOs. Scary times we are living in @onceuponatime.

Is this the same Canadian Defence Minister who claims the governments are hiding contact with extra terrestrial beings from the general public?


Yes, it is.
Did you watch the video?

^knowing this I will certainly view it. I was dissuaded from watching it because the OP was vague and the thumbnail on the video showed an unnamed man holding a paper book about economics. I'm glad that he's making more public statements on the matter.

But you are not dissuaded from commenting ? Interesting.

How so?

it's wonderful how content the population is having in mind this video is done by such a high rank officer. Those people are so powerful and can do anything at their will and remain unpunished. This is the reality, and history shows it has been pretty much the same throughout the history. Numerous revolutions that were supposed to give power back to the people only resulted in terrible bloodshed and nothing has changed but actually got worse. All this movement about crypto and blockchain that sometimes sounds so promising scares me at the same time as i feel some anticipation that hopefully will not end up in another terrible war or bloodshed.

nice post

Hahahhaaaa!!!! Kind of !

It disgusts me what the mentality of the elites are like. So barbaric and careless but it doesn't bother them as we mindlessly follow, letting the flames grow stronger while we think nations are 'helping' each other. Everything is for monetary gain

Useful message for us.... from @onceuponatime
Thank you so much sharing this post...

Thank you.

The cryptocurrency belongs to the second model, the fully decentralized peer-to-peer network without central authority.
Farewell therefore the central banks and other private chambers of Clearing interbank whose bias towards big banks called too big to fail is at the moment of the most problematic. But more generally, Farewell to any Monetary Authority ...
This aspect of the cryptocurrency that could free us from the cartel of central and commercial banks is to be welcomed. But does this mean that crypto is the solution?

It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,

Matters to whom?

A real hero, Never give up .

Amazing post!

Upvoted and resteemed

The only thing I can think of in response is this scene from the old movie, Wargames.


It really feels like the only answer is... DON'T PLAY THE GAME!

How will Blockchain solve the privacy issue if the hardware it runs on is created by companies under state (& therefore financial elite) control?

Sounds like you could write an interesting post about that.



may be you were right.........thank's for sharing

I see you commenting on lots of post, but not upvoting them. What's up with that?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Some people only take on don't give... that can be a "thing" in Steemit. But we all need to attend each other to it. And when do you fly to Greece again? maybe you can stop also at steemfest..

yeah... i will..................bro

nice video love it.


'm glad that he is able to tell other that money created by the banking industry does not really exist. The industry creates it purely out of thin air and this system based on debt benefits no one expects for the banks and that is why they are so inclined to holding on to it rather than moving to something more distributed and equal such as bitcoin.

His talk reminds me of this talk a Muslim Imam did once where a Western Governmen ..

nice info

thanks for sharing this video it was great to see and listen to his thought's

Awesome your post.

thanks for making this


Nice post good luck friend @onceupinatime

I'm glad that he is able to tell other that money created by the banking industry does not really exist. The industry creates it purely out of thin air and this system based on debt benefits no one expects for the banks and that is why they are so inclined to holding on to it rather than moving to something more distributed and equal such as bitcoin.

His talk reminds me of this talk a Muslim Imam did once where a Western Government can last for thousands of years but a country.. I agree with him how we should allow Islamic countries to fix their own problems rather than intervening, creating those who scorn and detest the west and have a life long pledge to defeat it.

I like post you @onceuponatime

Powerful message!!!


who can have the absolute truth. while the power, money. and other interests,

A great and effective message

too long

Wonderful message Sir ! I’m amazed by your ability to write such a nice article Over & out ;)
I can't express how much I appreciate your efforts @onceuponatime

Thank you for sharing this important information.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment