So me and the wife both work in finance, she’s a fully charted accountant and I’m a commercial analyst so you could say we know a little about numbers. We were discussing Bitcoin and the huge growth it had over the last 12 months and the how the next big crypto coin was yet still to be released. We talked for a while and we both had the same opinion that the only there was a major opportunity for a truly private coin, a coin that would ensure 100% anonymity. So after a bit of google-ing we came across numerous coins, with numerous offerings, some established some not, some outright pointless. Then we stumbled across DeepOnion, liked the forum, loved the community and decided to jump in two feet first I say two feet first I mean £100. We did consider injecting more cash but were currently in the process of buying a house, and anyone that has done that before will know it isn’t cheap with costs rising daily!
So I bought 34 DeepOnions, signed up to the forum, and BitcoinTalk and within minutes felt part of something special.
I started conversing on the forum (occasionally), made a few mistakes at first posting things in the wrong area etc.. having to delete my post and loosing deep points! At this time I wasn’t even aware they equalled FREE Onions! Until the Friday Airdrop happened and I realised I had missed out! Just when I got the hang of things they removed the Deep Points system and rightly in my opinion because the forum was becoming SPAM heaven. I then had to wait a week before I could get involved in the Domination Tasks, which I did. I contributed to a few tasks, helped the cause, and got my first FREE Onions! 8 of them in total! I was SO SO HAPPY.
So I now have 42 Onions
The rules around the domination tasks changed, resulting in the removal of free onions for domination tasks. This again was the right thing to do because the Crypto community could not understand how we absolutely dominated every Poll, YouTube video etc etc they actually thought we were BOTS! We didn’t just dominate WE OWNED EVERYTHING.
So I then had a crazy idea, an idea that just didn’t work out. I though lets trade on Cryptopia and sell high and buy low. So I took 7 onions and went to work. This didn’t work, and now my onions are locked in LTC on cryptopia, apparently they have suspended trading! I did have a small amount of BTC so I transferred this back to onions and safely put them in my wallet. I now have 36 onions and decided to go to work writing articles and tutorials. I started doing this last week and got my self a further 4 onions! YAY I’m up to 40 Onions well 40.5 to be precise!
Today I got the most exciting news, my Bitcointalk got upgraded to Jnr Member! So I’m now officially on the air drop with just over 24 hours to get another 9.5 onions!
So if there’s anyone out there who doesn’t believe it can happen. IT CAN! With a little hard work! I’ve not been the most active member but I have tried! After all I cannot afford to quit my day job!
My Day as an DeepOnion Memeber
9-5 Day Job - MYSQL – TSQL – EXCEL creating daft models trying to predict the future
5-10 read and learn about Crypto and write stuff ( I prefer numbers they’re always right )
What’s your story?