The privacy coins such as Deeponion cryptocurrency has librated the crypto world and brought 100% trust to investment in digital currency with positive impact in members investment.
Since Nakamoto's seminal white paper (Nakomoto 2008) hundreds of digital currencies have emerged. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin are entirely new form of money. They are neither issued by Central banks ( like banknotes) nor by banks (like deposit accounts). Digital currencies are issued by software protocol in the form of a digital token.
So many up and down have surrender different investments and investors. But with advent of Privacy coins in early years of crypto like DeepOnion in July 2017, have raised hope and security in crypto currency with introduction of technological devices that safeguard members investment.
DEEPONION advancement have made us realise that digital currencies have potential to compete with sovereign currency as a means of payment since they allow for relatively fast and inexpensive peer-to-peer payment. Payment in digital currency settle without the intermediation of third parties like banks,credit card companies or clearinghouses. Digital currencies( ONION) are also a substitute of Cash (bank notes)and could, if used widely, have an impact on the balance sheets of central banks and the conduct of monetary policy. Currently, digital currencies are not used much for conventional payment but have become very popular in funding rounds of start-up companies (so called Initial coin offering), the major plus to the DeepOnion project is that it is distributed by only airdrop so no risk of ICO attached.
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