My Grown Up CNY List

in deepthoughts •  7 years ago 
5 more days till Chinese New Year.

A sudden heaviness in my heart because it will never be the same again without grandparents around.

My paternal Grandfather passed away even before I was born and maternal grandmother when I was still very still very very little. But at least, I still have a grandparent at each side of my family.

Sadly, my grandma passed away 6 years ago and my grandpa last year. And ever since my grandpa passed away, a lot of dramas happened. Literally, Heart of Greed (溏心風暴) Malaysian version.

So many things have happened in a span of one year. When Facebook reminded me of a picture I took two years ago, I teared. Chinese has a proverb that goes 每逢佳節倍思親, which means on festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away. True enough, I really miss grandpa very much in this festive season.

Chinese New Year is gonna be so so weird not having family gatherings. Really dunno what's up this Friday.

I wish nothing but joy, happiness and love in my family. I pray for good health and that they will have gratefulness! And I pray for many more Chinese New Year with my family and relatives, that they will realize life is too short for bitterness. Appreciate one another, for we only live once.

Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family.

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you're right. family is what truly matters hahaha