
in deer •  4 months ago 

How they steal elections? 1. They accidentally leak passwords. 2. They leave voting machines online. 3. People hack in. 4. Then people try to sue Dominion. 5. But then lose because Dominion didn't do it. 6. Even tho the machines shouldn't have WIFI. 7. But passwords leaked. They're openly stealing it from Trump because they want there to be chaos as both sides will be saying they won because globalists are trying to push us into civil war as Tim Pool would say on Timcast. Mass serial murderers/killers came out of drugs and MK Ultra (funded by the government we pay taxes to) in the 1970s asked Candace Owens on Alex Jones, vote Trump because Kamala Harris may be MK Ultra.

Before the Chrissie Mayr Simpcast era, my go-to Sunday Night YouTube Live Show would be the Matt & Blonde Show (IMDb said since 2016). Featuring Rebecca @Blondes_tweets in the Belly of the Beast, I'm disappointed with Matt Christiansen, Blonde is like Simpcast Prequel Era. Lara Logan said on Alex Jones do not let the globalists bait you into civil war, that is the only way they can win as Trump wins in 2024 in a landslide, as they try to cheat by stealing millions of votes.

Happy Halloween Deer. Videos: RV video, 10K+ people joined my Discord Server, the biggest Joey Arnold server in the world.
Watched: Blonde & Matt Christiansen ARE OVER! What Happened? Blonde Explains to Chrissie Mayr & SimpCast, Rediscover - Elon Musk Witnessed A Miracle Inside The Church in Vegas, Then Immediately Accept Jesus, Tulsa King 204, Kirk Elliot and Lara Logan on Alex Jones, Trump SUES CBS News For $10B For Helping Kamala, Election Interference w/Joel Valdez, Piers Morgan - "They Are Garbage!” Fiery US Election Debate Feat Eric Weinstein And Steven Crowder

How to stop election fraud, call it identity theft

Screenshot at 2024-10-31 13-04-42 Candace Owens.png
Candace Owens on Alex Jones

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-10-31 - Thursday | Published in October of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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Twitter Tweets

01:39 AM

Before the Chrissie Mayr Simpcast era, my go-to Sunday Night YouTube Live Show would be the Matt & Blonde Show (IMDb said since 2016). Featuring Rebecca @Blondes_tweets in the Belly of the Beast, I'm disappointed with Matt Christiansen, Blonde is like Simpcast Prequel Era.

Blonde & Matt Christiansen ARE OVER! What Happened? Blonde Explains to Chrissie Mayr & SimpCast

Vote Log
2024-10-31 - Thursday - 08:39 PM - Vote Log created.

To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to Vote Log, elections, ballots, democracy, laws, rules, history, America, states, etc.

Oregon had 2,985,820 total registered voters with 1,997,689 total votes cast (66.90% turnout) in 2022 according to

Oregon had 2,951,428 total registered voters (30K less than in 2022) with 2,317,965 total votes cast (78.50% turnout) in 2020

08:47 PM
Oregon had 2,317,965 votes in 2020 according to their government website Oregon . Gov at

According to CNN

Biden - 1,340,383
Trump - 958,448
Total - 1,340,383 + 958,448 = 2298831

Trump v Biden 2020
How many votes in Oregon?

CNN said 2,298,831 total votes
But Oregon.gov said 2,317,965 total votes
Difference of roughly 20K people

Biden - 2,369,612
Trump - 1,584,651

Biden 1,672,143
Trump 1,661,686

Biden 1,804,352
Trump 1,364,607

Trump 5,668,731
Biden 5,297,045

Biden 2,473,633
Trump 2,461,854

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Tulsa King 204

2024-10-31 - Thursday - 03:51 AM - Tulsa King 204

Dad as a plumber. Dealing with this situation. They be coming after him. Teaching kids to fight. Indians gangs. Cowboy gangs. New York mafia. Sly's gang. Bikers gang. Chinese gang. Land. Drugs. Government.

11:52 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 10/31/24 • “CHAOS” WILL ENGULF NATION - News, Reports & Analysis

12:25 PM
How they steal elections?

  1. They accidentally leak passwords

  2. They leave voting machines online

  3. People hack in

  4. Then people try to sue Dominion

  5. But then lose because Dominion didn't do it

  6. Even tho the machines shouldn't have WIFI

  7. But passwords leaked

12:44 PM
They're openly stealing it from Trump because they want there to be chaos as both sides will be saying they won because globalists are trying to push us into civil war as Tim Pool would say on Timcast.

01:23 PM
Mass serial murderers/killers came out of drugs and MK Ultra (funded by the government we pay taxes to) in the 1970s asked Candace Owens on Alex Jones, vote Trump because Kamala Harris may be MK Ultra. 01:42 PM: Happy Halloween: Biden dressed up as a vampire to suck the blood of a baby's feet.

04:45 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Thursday 10/31/24 • LARA LOGAN - GLOBALISTS PLANS, NEWS & ANALYSIS • Infowars

06:12 PM
Lara Logan said on Alex Jones do not let the globalists bait you into civil war, that is the only way they can win as Trump wins in 2024 in a landslide, as they try to cheat by stealing millions of votes.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 04:40 AM. I got up at like 9 AM. Took 4 pills of like Advil for my headache, back to bed. Had a headache all day yesterday too. Could be partly from getting cold inside and outside of the house at times. Could be partly an ear infection which in turn could be caused at least in part by allergies and being cold and stuff. RV video, 10K+ people joined my Discord Server, the biggest Joey Arnold server in the world. Breakfast: 11:52 AM. Lunch: 01:48 PM. Dishes, 02:50 PM. Took a shower yesterday evening. Collected a cabinet dresser thing from a neighboring house that looks abandoned, looks like the family moved out, that was yesterday. Today, tried putting it on a dresser in the big garage but it fell apart. back here at 04:40 PM. Dinner: 05:07 PM. Dishes. Helped get tarps and got the a hose and a bucket of water. Deer. Hung. Big garage clothes line side motion light was on due to the rain or it is broken, Larry had me go out there to turn it off manually from the inside switch. Spent a few hours sorting through my mom's papers and things from her box or drawer or shelf of things I have. That is how I ended my day and month. Happy Halloween. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 11:52 AM. Lunch: strawberry short cake, 01:48 PM. Nuts, 04:40 PM. Nuts. Dinner: roast with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, 05:07 PM, 06:00 PM. Tea.

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