Application for Steemit, Inc. Delegation - Splinterlands

in delegationapp •  6 years ago 

The Splinterlands project (originally Steem Monsters) would like to officially apply for a "top-tier" Steem Power delegation from Steemit, Inc., based on the application guidelines presented in this post.

If some of our answers below seem a little short, it is only because we did our best to remain within the character limitations specified in the application process post linked above (which was not easy!). If any further details or clarifications are requested we would be happy to provide them either in the comments section or via another post.

Project Information

Company name: Steem Monsters Corp.
Place of Incorporation: PA, US
Token name (if applicable): Steem Monsters Team Token (SMTT)
Token Type (ERC20, Steem-Engine, etc.): Steem Engine, STO


What problem is the product / project solving?

Splinterlands is at the forefront of a huge transformation in digital gaming. Through the use of blockchain technology we are able to offer true digital asset ownership, provable scarcity, and independently verifiable results which combine the attributes of traditional physical collectibles with the benefits of digital gaming.

Core Team Details

Matt Rosen (@yabapmatt)

Matt first started learning computer programming when he was 10 years old because he wanted to make his own video games. Since then he has gone on to design and develop a large variety of digital games and gaming systems supporting hundreds of thousands of players across multiple platforms. Matt has worked for both large companies and small startups and has managed large and diverse teams around the globe. As co-founder and CTO of Steem Monsters, Matt is responsible for overseeing all of the design and development of the game product.

Dr. Jesse Reich (@aggroed)

Dr. Reich is a PhD Chemist out of Texas A&M University. He worked as a professor of chemistry and later in sales for the major Science Publishing companies handling large scale presentations and course material adoptions for major US Universities. He founded the Minnow Support Project, which has the mission of helping the Steem ecosystem grow, and training / retaining new members. He also founded MSP-Waves, a streaming internet radio station with 50 hrs of original content every week produced by 30+ DJs. He's the co-founder of Steem Monsters and is tasked with building the community as well as leading sales planning and marketing.

Nate Aguila (@nateaguila)

Nate Aguila has over 10 years experience in managing the creative direction of DevOps and Agile technology projects. As Creative Director for Splinterlands, he leads the product design for all gaming websites, apps, and marketing initiatives. This includes branding, design, illustration, UX/UI (web + mobile applications), product development, copywriting, communication, and multimedia. His knowledge of form, function, and style serve to elevate the players’ experience while introducing the benefits of blockchain in a user-friendly and intuitive manner.

Minimum Viable Product

Splinterlands (originally Steem Monsters) is a digital, collectible trading card game where players collect various different types of cards, level them up, and battle in real-time against other players around the world.

It is similar in concept to popular games like Hearthstone or Clash Royale; however, due to the use of blockchain technology, Splinterlands cards are digital assets owned and controlled by each player and are able to be freely bought, sold, traded, and delegated on a decentralized marketplace.

Business Strategy

Fiat Revenue Strategy: Splinterlands sells packs of digital game cards (NFTs represented on the Steem blockchain) for both fiat currency through PayPal in addition to a number of different cryptocurrencies.

Fiat Revenue Projections in $/user every month: Based on revenue and trends over the past year we expect to earn at least $12 in revenue per active account per month.

How will this increase the amount of STEEM being powered up? Due to the fact that every single action in the game is a transaction on the Steem blockchain, and that active players can easily play hundreds of battles per day, it is of vital importance that Splinterlands maintains a significant Steem Power holding in order to ensure that we can support a very large, active player base through delegation. We have already powered up nearly 400,000 STEEM, however if we are to reach our goal of 10X or more growth in active users we will to increase that amount significantly.

What financial incentives are you willing to provide to Steemit, Inc.? The Splinterlands team is prepared to offer Steemit, Inc. equity ownership in the company via our security token offering (registered as an exempt security under US SEC Regulation D) in return for a Steem Power delegation.

How will you become financially sustainable once the delegation is removed? Splinterlands has been profitable for the past year, so while a delegation will certainly help support the project, we do not anticipate that we will be dependent on it for financial sustainability.

KPI Progress Measurement

Suggest at least 3 KPI’s with which to measure the progress of your project in its current phase. KPI’s must be measurable and objective (a percentage or numerical value), or binary (yes / no or completed / not completed).

KPI1 description: New Accounts Created
KPI1 target: 500+ / month

KPI2 description: STEEM Powered Up
KPI2 target: 10,000+ / month

KPI3 description: Total Steem Blockchain Transaction Volume
KPI3 target: 3,000,000+ / month

Token Offering

Token Launch date: January, 2019

Total Token Supply at launch: 20,000,000

Fundraising target (in order to fund expansion into the operational / project growth phase / mass market adoption): $1,000,000

Yearly inflation: None

Percentage of total token supply that will be airdropped to ALL Steem stakeholders (a/k/a SP holders) in proportion to their SP: None, as a Reg D, 504(c) security token we are required to obtain KYC information on all investors and are prohibited from general solicitation.

How many tokens will you offer Steemit Inc. in exchange for the delegation? 10,000 SMTT per month

Do you plan to launch an IEO, ICO, or other public token offering? No

Do you plan to raise money from other investors? Yes, Splinterlands has already raised $100,000 from a group of private investors and is also looking for a large, strategic investment partner.

What is the vesting period for the following:
Team members: Founders: none, others: 1 Year
Early investors: 1 Year
ICO investors: N/A

% token distribution to:
Founders: 70%
Team: 10%
Investors: 20%
Marketing: 0%

Delegation Request

How much of a delegation are you requesting? Top-Tier

Specify the desired time frame for the delegation in 6 month increments: 2 years

Which one of the following answers best describes how the delegation will be used to add direct value to Steem:

If we have to choose only one, then (A), although we plan to use the delegation for (B) and (C) as well.

  • A. It will be used to create new accounts
  • B. It will be used to give new accounts 15 SP to give them the resources needed to use Steem and purchase goods and/or services through our platform
  • C. It will be used to incentivize the creation of content that promotes Steem on external platforms
  • D. It will be used to provide limited trial or discount services to clients to encourage them to hold Steem and delegate in the future

We agree that our business will continue to leverage the Steem blockchain as long as we are receiving a delegation and 1 year following the removal of the delegation. During this time we also agree to promote the Steem blockchain as a valuable technological protocol that delivers unique value. We are willing to sign a legally binding contract with Steemit, Inc. to this effect.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The only project which has ensured new users are enrolled to Steem, and are maintained. Your presence at conventions both crypto and non crypto are fantastic outreach projects.

If splinterlands doesn't qualify for a delegation, I would probably power down all my Steem and leave the platform.

I right with you. @steemmonsters is an amazing platform and the guys (including myself) are out there promoting the game and the steem platform.

It would be a more than deserved delegation, given all you have acomplished with the game! Good luck!

I saw the steemit post regarding the delegation application process and thought of SM/Splinterlands right away. Splinterlands/Steem Monsters should apply for this delegation. I'd thought. So awesome to see the team submitted a formal application!

The game has done wonders retaining a userbase here on the steem blockchain. I know many people (including myself) would have left steem months back if not for our faith in the developers behind Splinterlands. We stayed, invested, endured, and still here despite the ever-changing climate of the blockchain. The developers are responsive to the community and have yet to let us down, thus, transferring our faith on to the steem blockchain as well.

I know the community behind Splinterlands are a strong, dedicated and loyal bunch. We have supported the game when it was no more than an idea, and the game has exceeded our expectations. All without delegation support!

Imagine the growth in userbase and game development if Splinterlands received delegation support from Steemit Inc.!

You guys got my vote even though it really doesn’t matter lol...

Splinterlands should receive the first delegation from steem Inc in my eyes!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Хоть где-то появляется стабильность. Отличная новость, по моему мнению.

I love Splinterlands! The community here is amazing and growing everyday!
aasplinterlands (640px, 15fps).gif

Good luck, one of the best projects on the blockchain.

I will be like Zuckerberg, rich, handsome, successful ... all thanks to your game ... thanks.

Great project, they have stayed true to Steem. I hope you guys (and gals) get the delegation!

Hopefully they will realize the amount of value that you guys have created by deploying the game the way you have which has been beyond the original use cases I had thought about when starting my journey on Steem. True Innovation that we need more of!

¡Éxitos! Sé que lo recibirán, Splinterlands ha hecho más por steemit que otros...

Hi, @steemmonsters!

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Only reason I came back to using STEEM(it) was due to finding Splinterlands was compatible with TRX for currency purchases.. I left STEEM and still really dislike the way the reward mechanism is set up, I also just haven't found my place in the community here - but I had been eyeballing SteemMonsters since they launched and always wanted to play just never wanted to invest in STEEM..

But now, with Splinterlands hooking me in with TRX marketplace, it's almost impossible not to at least attempt to use STEEMit the bare minimum. At least remain active, with all the giveaways and a large part of the Splinterlands community here on STEEMit, giveaways and updates, so many interesting things springing off of Splinterlands!

I vote for them 100 times!

Nice work, I agree that Splinterlands will fulfill all requirements for the Top Tier Delegation, but as you said at the end of your work it is not really necessary needed at the moment as long as we don't see a huge growth in active players. Why not agree on a Step by Step delegation plan that grows with your business size?
Anyways, I wish the whole Team good luck and much success in the future!

Well deserved! I hope you can have it! Thanks for the value you provide to this ecosystem!

Posted using Partiko Android

Even if it came without any of the conditions, this would be a pretty cherry deal on Splinterlands equity.

Even if it does not get the delegation, it shall be a guideline on how to apply for funding. Very well written.

Posted using Partiko Android

The most powerful and lucrative delegation model, would soon be a part and parcel of this awesome opportunity! Thumbs up for the dedicated team and love for the players and community!

Well this one is obvious yes :)
You should have +1 M bonus for the past effort as well!

This is undoubtedly the leader in Steem dapps and has potential to showcase power of many features of steem blockchain. Worthy of the Delegation

Top reason why I am still on Steemit is because of Splinterlands. Totally deserving of a delegation.

Posted using Partiko Android

you should make it easier to buy cards without holding steem say by paypal to purchase cards off the market, with it being easier to purchase directly from your bank account like buying packs shouldn't be too hard to do hopefully, I know I would be buying cards only thing holding me back lol, cheers!

We would love to do this, but unfortunately it's a regulatory issue and not a technical issue. Since when you purchase cards on the market you aren't paying us for a product, but instead sending money to another player, if we accept USD and pay out STEEM or any other currency acting as an intermediary we would be considered a money transmitter and subject to all sorts of regulations and AML/KYC requirements.

I would be very surprised if SM/SP didn't get this delegation requested as the game they have built has already had a massive positive impact on the Steem Blockchain as a whole.


It would be crying shame if this application is not accepted given the inherent value that this game alone has provided for the STEEM blockchain. It would be as if Nintendo dismissed Mario and Luigi a year after their introduction.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great comparison to Mario and Luigi! Perfect explanation!

Very well written application. I hope you get the well deserved delegation. Go SteemMonsters.

First time I heard about Steemit delegation application so reading this post was a learning experience. I'm glad that Steem Monsters is continuing to grow. I'm not an active player but I do play from time to time, the card ownership system is revolutionary and I hope it gets adapted for strategic card games.

I do!

Wait.... This isn't a marriage proposal? :^)

I think you don't need the delegation and handing out equity for it might come back to bite you one day

Only reason I came back to using STEEM(it) was due to finding Splinterlands was compatible with TRX for currency purchases.. I left STEEM and still really dislike the way the reward mechanism is set up, I also just haven't found my place in the community here - but I had been eyeballing SteemMonsters since they launched and always wanted to play just never wanted to invest in STEEM..

But now, with Splinterlands hooking me in with TRX marketplace, it's almost impossible not to at least attempt to use STEEMit the bare minimum. At least remain active, with all the giveaways and a large part of the Splinterlands community here on STEEMit, giveaways and updates, so many interesting things springing off of Splinterlands!

I vote for them 100 times!

  ·  6 years ago 

Superb delegation project, bravo @steemmonsters!