Kakistocracy is where we are at, always have been it seems.

in democracy •  5 months ago 


Bullshit rules the day, change it!....

Have a listen to this superb track from the album of this decade for me at least. Van Morrison, one of the few that spoke out about event 201 - the plandemic to keep Fiat debt money alive and give the Kakistocrats one last payout, them that like to print it and tax you. I think I just made that word up, although Kakistocracy exists.

kakistocracy /kăk″ĭ-stŏk′rə-sē, kä″kĭ-/

"Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
Government by the worst men.
Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens."

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik https://www.wordnik.com/words/kakistocracy

For me at least, I had woken up decades ago, way before 9-11.

I start with everything government do is made up by frauds, tax thieves, the biggest scammers and con-men/women, then work my way "down" on the trust-ometer. (There you go, I made another word up, on fire today.)

Well here I am, ex race mechanic turned automotive engineer and now farmer and motorbike restorer. Oh and the most important one I do, teacher to my youngest daughter we home-school since the ;plandemic.

Now what am I and what have I done?

Ran a country? Not a chance in hell, I am not good at pretending like poli-ticians are. I am also not good at avoiding questions and replying in riddles so no, not a job for me. Justin and Biden seem experts at it though as did Boris, and now Rishi washy nutsack.

What I have done though in the last decade since departing the UK for good, thank the lord, is plant seeds, grow food, lay bricks, build fences, make my own drive all 100 meters of it. I am now a carpenter, plumber, farmer, electrician, brick layer, labourer, and anything else I need to be.



That is one of the bikes I built from a scrap bike, yes it costs, but not as much as buying 1 built.

Now as I see it, and just my opinion, we all need to learn new skills, because in everyone is the skill to do anything, no matter what it is, everyone that is able bodied can do it.
I appreciate some people are not bodily capable, or injured, handicapped or however you want to term it, but the rest, you can do it.

I have worked in car factories and they compartmentalise everything, so you earn 1 skill, 1 job, so you never know how to do it all. Education is the same, think inside the box, regurgitate and repeat. No new ideas come from that!

Time for new ideas as the governments have run out of them, and they always resort to war, not on my watch, not fighting a minute for them, let them and their children go first. Kings used to, but hey, that was when people did not need safe spaces or pronouns and such insanity.

It is time to teach the new generations how to, how to grow food, look up to people that can do real things, make heroes out of plumbers, electricians, make heroes out of carpenters, not adult pretenders like actors, not fake musicians that need autotune to sound even half decent. Lady Gaga, Madona, the lot be gone, back to what you were, and are nothing.

Enough false idols, and if Biden is the leader of the free world, we are all doomed, he can barely get a sentence out, any and all.

I wrote almost a decade back now, on steemit, yes 8 years not 10, democracy, error 40 not found, nothing has changed, it just got a lot worse.

Time for a better future, get teaching, get learning, make this world better, it starts with YOU, yes YOU.......

I want to write more, but I spend most days with my daughter, and she needs time. Have a superb week, bring on the future, in you I TRUST......

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