Bill Clinton, who was on stage at the DNC, looks really old.

in democrat •  6 months ago 


Understandable, since it's been almost 25 years since he was president. And, yet, he's the same age as Trump, and 4 years younger than Biden....

I have no nostalgia for the man (he's a liar, serial philanderer, and perjurer). But I wish we could go back to several of his policies: free trade, ending welfare as we know it, balancing the budget (where, to be sure, he had a lot of help from the GOP Congress), and the era of big government being over! I miss Bubba's administration much more than I ever thought I would at the time.

It's ironic that many Republicans who, at the time, claimed Clinton's immoral and illegal behavior made him unfit for office, now turn a blind eye to Trump's much worse evil.

And, yes, Democratic politicians are often hypocritical, too - as Clinton himself often was.

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