I’m trying to think of how the Democrats will spin this insanity of bringing the essence of third world failed states to our and the world’s financial capital.

in democrat •  11 months ago 


Here’s one suggestion for how they try to make it make sense. If this post upsets upsets you more than the behavior described, you’re insane, but don’t worry, you have plenty of company. About 1 in 5 Americans.

“Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

“The Democratic Party started as advocates and supporters of the Trail of Tears, the forced march of native peoples from Florida to Oklahoma so we could get rid of the weak natives who couldn’t keep up with walking thousands of miles in the elements with purposefully inadequate water and food.

We decided to go back to our roots, and give all the people who can’t afford private security and 24/7 guards at the front of their offices and residences a taste of a new supersized version of the Trail of Tears and see who survived.

Our goal as the Democratic Party is to bring in at least 30 million undocumented unvetted military age men from failed states to Democrat controlled cities by creating an endless list of financial and medical incentives before the next census starts in 2029.

We are a third of the way there.

Why 30 million? Because that’s how many unoccupied houses and condos there are in the USA. If we have our hyperaggressive undocumented steal these properties through SQUATTING and share their “best practices” via Tik Tok, we will have mostly stolen from Republicans (who are more likely to own houses and condos they are not occupying or renting) then we will deplete and demoralize them while earning the loyalty of 30 million squatter who we provided with free houses.

So come o ye cartel and gang and paramilitary members and seize the houses and condos of Republicans and drive them beneath your feet and hear the lamentation of their women.

Survival of the squatters for the win!”

That’s spin that Progressives can get behind, as long as they can survive the real life equivalent of The Purge.

In reality, the majority of people hurt by the 30 million undocumented unvetted lawbreakers will be the poor, as the wealthy continue their migration and, like Snake Pliskin in his movies, Escape From New York and Escape from Los Angeles.

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